Chapter 2

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Lucius looked quite surprised. Hell, even I was trying my best not to look surprised. He mouthed like a goldfish for several seconds before actually saying anything.

"You," he began with a slight stutter, "you and Harry? As in Harry Potter?"

"No father, Prince Harry," I stated sarcastically. "I've taken up a thing for redheads you see. I think Ronald Weasley is next on the list." Father stood staring at me for a moment before turning away and walking to a cabinet of sorts and pulling out an expensive bottle that looked to be Ogden's Finest. He poured a generous amount before taking a large swig out of the bottle and grimacing from the burn.

I raised an eyebrow before speaking, "drinking is not going to fix your problems father." He turned back towards me and walked with his drink in hand.

"No," he began as he sat down on a chair that sat across from me, "but it will help me from having a psychotic breakdown, Draco." He took another drink before leaning his head back and closing his eyes, "no thanks to you, might I add."

I almost couldn't help the gigantic smile from blossoming on my face; instead, I settled for a small amused grin, "father, whatever do you mean?" He looked up and gave me a look that blatantly said "are you serious right now?" before sighing dramatically.

"How long?" He asked as he went back into his previous position. I was a bit caught off guard at his question. How long what? How long have I been gay? I'd say about my whole life. How long have Harry and I been in this so-called relationship? I'd say about 2 minutes give or take.

"Please father," I began, "be more specific in your inquiry. It is quite unbecoming of a Malfoy to have imprecision of their language." I might've been dead if looks could kill.

He closed his eyes and let out a deep, long sigh before speaking, "how long have you been dating the Potter boy?" I had to think quickly of a date that was believable. Memories with dates rushed through my mind when suddenly the perfect one came barreling through to the front of my mind.

It was late at night, during the winter holiday. They were both in Draco's bed, Draco was propped against the headboard with Harry's head in his lap. Draco was reading one of his favorite books aloud, while one hand cascaded through Harry's hair, occasionally rubbing at the scalp. Harry had his left arm wrapped around Draco's waist, his right arm was draped across Draco's lap, his hand had a slight grip on Draco's thigh.

The door had opened but neither of them had noticed; Harry was half asleep at this point and Draco was too engrossed in the book, light mumbles of the words tumbling out of his mouth. Suddenly the sound of a throat being cleared caused them both to jolt. Harry came up to rest on his elbow of the arm that still rested around my waist. I sat my book down after I dog tagged the page I was on and caught sight of Harry's flushed face. A small smile made its way onto my face as I looked up towards the intruder.

"I came to let you know mother and I are going to bed for the night," Lucius said with a raised eyebrow and speculative look on his face, "though I'm sure that hardly matters due to both your comfortable positions, no?" He might've sneered at me if mother didn't walk past the doorway, stopping just so we could see half of her body and speak.

"Love," she began, a look of adoration flitted across her face, "leave the boys alone and come to bed." She waited there until Lucius slowly walked out, but not before narrowing his eyes at the two. As Lucius walked out, Narcissa walked into the room to grab the door handle, and slowly began to close it.

"Goodnight boys," she said with a wink and a smile. Just as the door shut Harry swung around his other arm till he was holding onto my waist his face buried into my hip, his quiet laughter causing his body to shake. I'd let out a small chuckle, while I dipped my head to watch Harry, my hands finding their way back to his messy onyx hair. A blush and smile sat on my face as I spoke, "oh, come on now, Harold," I began, "be mature."

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