Chapter 3

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     As always, traveling by floo left me in an unkempt state; I was dusted with bits of soot and floo, my hair stuck up in twisted directions. I muttered a quick cleaning spell as I straightened my clothes and ran a hand through my hair. The smell of warm cinnamon wafted throughout the house and the air felt welcoming. Towards the kitchen, I heard clanking of pots and voices with boisterous laughter. Upon reaching the kitchen I saw Remus distributing equal parts of batter into muffin cups in a pan, chatting with Severus who cradled a mug of tea in his hands.

"Remus, looking lovely as always. Severus, I see that your scowl has yet to get stuck permanently," I stood in the doorway, my left hand gripping the frame, as I smiled widely towards both men. Remus spun around, a look of surprise flitted quickly across his face before a look of warmth and affection graced his features. Severus shot me a look of playful disdain, a hint of a smile peeking out.

"Draco! What a pleasant surprise," Remus said with a warm smile as he wiped his hands off on a tea towel and made his way to pull me into a hug. I met him halfway, and he embraced me tightly in his arms. Remus was probably my favorite of Harry's family because he just understands.

"Pleasant? I may just beg to differ," Severus said with a snort. "Harry is in his room assuming that is who you're here for."

"Well, unless you'd like to make me a cuppa and talk gossip with me, I'm afraid you lucked out on having me absolutely thrill you with my ramblings," I said with a smirk. Severus rolled his eyes and took a sip of his tea. Remus's warm voice cut in and my eyes drifted back to him.

"Alright, well as you can tell I'm making muffins and they'll be done in 15 or so. Be sure to tell Harry, please?" I gave a mock salute and smiled.

"Yes, sir." I made my way to head out through the doorway but just as I was about to step clear of the kitchen I paused. "Oh! Remus, I never would have pegged you as the type to have a thing for blonde Slytherins, but we're all full of surprises I guess, no?" A smirk found its way on my lips and Remus looked shocked and red. Behind me, I heard Severus erupt in laughter as I continued my trek to Harry's room upstairs.

As I neared his room I could hear the soft rumble of a rock song and the added sound of drumsticks tapping to the beat. I opened his door quietly and saw Harry sitting with his back towards the door; wild black hair flopping with every flail of his arms. I shut the door with a soft click and leaned against the door for a moment. Suddenly I felt nervous. What if Harry truly doesn't want to go through with my plans? What will I do then? Well, there's no way to know except to ask.

I pushed myself off the door and lightly walked towards Harry, my heart racing slightly and my hands the tiniest bit shaky. I dropped my hands down onto his shoulders giving them a squeeze as I dropped my head down to softly called out his name. Harry's head spun around quickly, and I worried that he might get a serious case of whiplash from the ferociousness of it.

"Merlin, Draco!" Harry said with a jump, his jade-green eyes wide and mouth hung open. With a flick of his wand the music turned down, now sounding low and slightly muffled. He tossed his drum sticks off to the side and turned his body around so that he was facing me.

"What brings you 'round today, Draco?" Harry asked me curiously.

"I have a favor to ask of you. Now I understand if you do not wish to go along with it, but please hear me out at least?" I ask pleadingly. Feelings of overwhelming nausea and dizziness are at large now and suddenly I feel regretful of ever even being born.

"Well, I mean," Harry starts, "as long as it's nothing crazy. But looking at how worked up you are I'm a bit nervous myself to know exactly what it is you want. Sit down, mate." Harry grabs at my wrist and gives it a small tug while patting the bed. I breathe in deep and sit down across from Harry. My eyes dart around Harry, taking in his appearance and body language. His hair sits messily on his head, curly hair falling around his eyes. His emerald eyes shine bright behind his black-framed glasses.

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