Chapter 4

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After traveling through the floo once more, this time with Harry in tow, my nerves almost seem to be doubled what they once were. Now that I've gotten one hard part out of the way, it seems I have been dealt with another hard hand to play. Literally. And honestly, I really am a silly dunderhead for even thinking Harry would reject me being gay. For Merlin's sake, Remus and Sirius have been together since, well since Sirius finally used his Gryffindor senses and swept Remus away from my father apparently. And besides, I've seen Harry stare at Diggory more than what is deemed hetero-ly normal.

A light hand touched my mid-back and startled me and I remembered that it wasn't just me standing like an idiot in the reception room of the manor.

"Do you plan on hanging out here for a formal invite in your own house or might we be able to venture further in?"

"Are you always this sassy Harry or is this you practicing being gay?" I remarked snarkily.

"First off, how stereotypical of you Draco. I am thoroughly disappointed. I'll have you know that I am always sassy. Secondly, no need to practice with you, right darling?" Harry said 'darling' in a way that felt as though it was dripping saccharinely. Merlin, I can't believe I got myself in this and then proceeded to bring the most Gryffindor Slytherin into this.

"Okay, yes, I am sorry. I am terribly apprehensive of this, I must admit. I know I said I was confident but I lied Harry," I gasped for a breath, "I don't know how we're going to pull this off. I really am sorry for dragging you into this by the way. I don't know what I was thinking—"

"You kinda weren't and that's fine Draco. How many times have you been by my side whilst I did dumb things? Actually don't answer that please," Harry said with a grimace.

"So we won't run the montage of every dumb thing you've gotten yourself into thus far?" I asked slyly with a slight smile. Harry let out a sigh that had traces of a hidden laugh.

"I think I might regret introducing you to muggle television." Harry's smile said differently. "So, ready to brave the wolves?" No. But it was now or never and well, maybe it won't be that bad.

"Ready as I'll ever be Harold." And with that, I grabbed Harry's hand gripping it perhaps tighter than necessary and begun to pull him out of the reception room and into the foyer where I called for Dobby.

"Yes, masters Draco? Oh, mister Harry Potter, it is so good to be seeing you again!" Dobby exclaimed with excitement at seeing his long time, favored friend.

"Dobby, do you know where mother and father are?" I asked just as Harry spoke.

"It's great seeing you again too Dobby," Harry said with a fond smile. Harry had made friendly with Dobby years ago when Harry would stay the night and mother and father thought we needed to be monitored to ensure we didn't get too rowdy. Dobby nodded his head excitedly.

"They is being in different places sirs. Mrs. Malfoy is still in the gardens and Mr. Malfoy is in his study."

"Right then, to mother first shall we?" I asked before pulling my hand from Harry's and wiping it on my trousers. My hand had gotten so clammy from being nervous that all the excess moisture was beginning to be bothersome and I cursed to myself for being so ridiculous. "Sorry for practically giving your hand a bath, as you can tell my nerves have yet to settle," I winced.

"Your mother has always liked me more so I'd have to agree," Harry started. "I don't think I'm exactly ready to face Lucius Malfoy yet. Also, mate you might want to get that hand sweating checked out." Harry said seriously before cracking a large grin and laughing. I shoved his shoulder away and rolled my eyes.

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