Chapter 5

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Callisto was the first to sit to down on the sofa lounge, while her sister Calypso began playing with the fish inspired centerpiece on the coffee table. Sandra noticed the detailed work of the sculpture, the curvature of its body, the dorsal fin on its back, and the roundness of its shape. It reminded her of the animals she read about in her science books.

"Beautiful isn't it?" remarked Calypso turning the piece toward her direction. "I think it is supposed to be a shark. Daddy got it for us when he visited Italy."

"Actually, I believe it might be a killer whale or a dolphin." Sandra informed her. "Look at the way it is positioned as if it is jumping out of the water to take a breath of oxygen. Sharks can't do that."

Frustration and humiliation. She could sense both emotions coming from Calypso. Apparently, the Callisto's sister did not enjoy appearing like a fool. Sandra said nothing else as she observed her friend Calliope sitting nervously in the corner.

"Wow. You sure know many things about sea life," smiled Callisto, attempting to make conversation.

"Sandra's dream is to be marine biologist someday," explained Calliope. "She's really smart."

"No one asked you!" snapped Calypso. "Now make yourself useful and make us some diet sodas! You know where the hidden fridge is!"

Anger. Resentment. Calypso Gregory seemed to exude these things, but an even stronger feeling released itself from her as it combined with Calliope's aura and that was loneliness. Complying with Calypso's order, Calliope found the secret refrigerated compartment behind the bookcase to remove the diet soda cans housed there.

"Just three ice cubes." Calypso clucked her tongue. "You suck at getting my drink order right."

Sandra seethed with rage. No one deserves to be treated like that! How dare she?

"She is not your slave," she whispered. "You got legs. Why don't get off your lazy ass and get it yourself?"

"Excuse me?" Calypso's ears pricked up. Damn, she heard her. "What did you say?"

"I said why don't you get the drinks yourself?" Sandra stood her ground.

"Who the hell do you think are? You're a guest in someone's home and you talk to your hosts like that?"

"I'm the guest that hates the fact that you treat her best friend with such mean spiritedness. She is not your slave!"

"It's okay, Sandra," Calliope interrupted. "They're not being mean to me. I like helping out." She began to place the cans of sodas on a tray."

"The hell you they aren't being mean to you! I don't care who your family is in this town! I don't let rich dumbasses treat other people with disrespect!"

"Care to take this outside?" Calypso threatened. Fury filled her voice with a mixture of loathing and rage.

"Gladly," answered Sandra. She would not back down.

"That is enough both of you!"

Callisto rose from the sofa, taking both girls gently by the arms, to separate them to opposite sides of the library. For a slender young woman, the blonde teen was incredibly strong forcing them apart with such ease. "There will be no fighting as this dinner. Everyone please be mature and respect one another!"

"She started it!" Calypso griped.

"Calypso, so help me..." Callisto began. "You're my twin sister and I love you, but I am older by fifteen minutes so that makes me in authority of you. Now apologize to our guests."

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