Chapter 8

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A light gleamed from the surface of the water. Sandra watched while the other three girls ripped through the liquid barrier disappearing on the other side. It was now her turn.

Propelling herself forward, she rammed through the same entrance. Droplets of sea water covered her wet face dampening her dark hair as she observed Calliope, Calypso and Callisto transform themselves into human forms calling for Sandra to join them on dry land.

She swam toward the shore, her fish tail bobbing against the waves unsure of what to do next.

"Sandra it's okay," Calliope called out. "You have the ability to transform too! Just concentrate about being human!"

"Listen to the music in your heart," Callisto added. "It's there. Give in to the call of the ocean."

Music? What music were they talking about?

Sandra inhaled a breath, closed her eyes, and listened. Still no music.

"I don't hear anything!"

"You're thinking about it too much!" Calypso griped. "Don't think. Relax. Allow the music to play. Let yourself go!"

Shutting her eyes tight, Sandra cleared her mind. Nothing was around her. No sound. No noises. Just simply the calmness of the water surrounding her. She noted on the relaxing echoes of the ocean. How the vibrations flowed through her giving peace, sanctuary, welcoming her with open arms like a mother to a child.

Then she heard the music. A beautiful aria of sounds, coursing through her ears, running down her spine to finally tingling from the top of her waist to the end of her fish tail. She could feel her legs stretch, contort finally separating into two different limbs treading water. Kicking furiously with her feet, she swam toward the shore meeting the trio who had been anxiously awaiting her.

"See!" Calliope squealed. "Told you could do it." She rushed to Sandra hugging her tighter than any boa constrictor leaving the poor girl consumed with plenty of unanswered questions.

Sandra took in the atmosphere for a minute. She was in an underground cave somewhere near the beach. An eerie glow lit up the cavern lighting both Callisto and Calypso who had been addressing a mysterious male stranger whose back was facing her. Sandra made another mental note of everything before asking a question.

"Who is that?" She asked. "Better yet, are mermaids supposed to be topless?"

Callisto and Calliope stared down at their chests. Thankfully for them, they were wearing bikini tops. Calypso, not so much. Luckily, Sandra still had her shirt on.

"For crying out loud, Calypso!" shouted Callisto. "Have a little modesty for our guest!"

"What?" snorted Calypso. "We're mermaids, remember? We're supposed to be topless!"

"That will be quite enough!" said an authoritative voice. "Calypso, we might all be Lemurians, but as humans we have a moral obligation to uphold."

Sandra turned her attention toward the gentleman who spoke. Turning around to face her, she gasped the moment her eyes met his.

"Nestor Gregory?"

"Yes Cassandra, in the flesh." Nestor Gregory stood in front of her completely human with his sandy brown hair, Hawaiian shirt, and shorts. "I'm sure you have plenty of questions."

"I do. Like what are you people? More importantly, what am I?"

"My dear Cassandra, you are aware by now of the story of Lemuria," Nestor laughed. "It has been told to you since your childhood referred by humans as simply a fairy tale or myth. Let me assure you it is no myth. It exists and we, including you and I, are from that magical underwater kingdom."

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