Chapter 16

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Sandra leaned her head against the window of Detective Turner's police car. She thought of Patrick.

The fact that he was Gaderius disguised in the body of a teenage boy sickened her. She hated herself for allowing him to get close to her.

I let him get close to me. I trusted him.

Her thoughts scrambled in head. How could I have been so stupid?

He said he liked me. Did he even care or was that all lie?

She wondered why her dreams told her different.

Damnit, Aoide! How can you be so gullible?

Sandra could not help but to wonder why he did not seize the opportunity to strike during those times she had been alone with him. Analyzing the situation, she stared at the window watching the tide roll along the cliffs of the road that she became aware of something.

"Umm, this isn't the way to the police station," she said stating the obvious.

"I'm taking a shortcut," replied Detective Turner. "I'd thought we'd take a scenic view."

Her pulse began to race. Goosebumps formed around her skin while a flood of feelings passed through her.





Emissions of these emotions directed from Detective Harrison.

She glanced at the speedometer. Thirty -five miles per hour, she figured she could jump safely out of the car. She scrambled to open the passenger door. but it remained firmly locked.

"Not so fast little mermaid," grinned the detective. She looked in the rearview mirror to see his reflection. His eyes turned from brown to black while a show of sharp teeth protruded from his mouth. "Be a good little girl and let me deliver you to Lord Gaderius."

Sandra screamed upon hearing the detective cackle convincing her to try to the knock down the glass with her feet. He laughed.

"The windows are shatterproof, and the doors open from the outside! You're trapped mermaid!" He began to chant.

Goddess Tiamat! Ruler of the sea

Break this shell and reveal to thee!

A tearing of flesh made Sandra gag as she watched helplessly Detective Turner transforming into his true sea demon form. His nose sank in while his ears reshaped forming large triangular angles around his face. Gills began appearing down his throat to the sides of his chest while a long-pointed tail whipped from the top of his head down to his back. Large clawed hands gripped the steering wheel accelerated by the push of a webbed foot on the gas pedal. With the police car gunning it at 60 mph, Sandra clutched the back seat.

"Hold on to tight, mermaid!" The sea demon cackled. "It's going to be a bumpy ride!"

Cars swerved passed them down sending a flurry of angry honks, but the monster obviously had little regard for safety. He dinged one convertible in the process and nearly took out a pedestrian. Sandra shrieked praying she survived the drive forced to listen to her captor's maniacal fits of glee.

"Let me out!" She demanded. "Now!"

"Not until I deliver you!" hissed the sea demon.

After sideswiping a pick-up truck, Sandra's body dropped to the ground. She grabbed the edge of the backseat, lifting her with her arms before staring out the front window of the vehicle.

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