Chapter 11

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Two thousand years ago...

The sounds of battle echo through my chamber. I stare out the window watching my people fight for their lives. Armored soldiers dressed in symbols representing the sea, strike down my guards. We do not stand a chance against the Lemurians.

I fear it is too late.

I realize now that Death is imminent.

"Aoide! Please we must flee!" Someone tells me.

I look up to see a man armored with the same nautical signs of a Lemurian, but this one is different.

Chiseled face, Roman nose, and sea green eyes like mine stare at me with a look of sorrow. He removes his helmet to reveal the long curls of his fair hair sensing his concern for me that goes far beyond simple protection. I now acknowledge the fact that he loves me as do I of him.

My heart sinks.

"Aoide, please beloved, you are not safe here."

"Azaeus, my love! We are outnumbered!" I tell him. "We will never make it past the palace gates!"

We attempt to race down the hall only to be blockaded by the interloper. His helmet signifying royalty, but his face representing a conqueror. He raises his sword pointed the edge of the blade toward us displaying such evil intentions and hatred in his blue eyes. Removing his helmet to reveal the tendrils of his dark brown hair, he rushes forward to strike.

"Azaeus! You are a traitor to your people!" The conqueror informs him. He clashes his sword with my lover. "Therefore, you shall die as one!"

"I am no more a traitor, than you are a ruler of Lemuria.!" My beloved Azaeus speaks boldly. "As general to the true monarch Lemur, I honor only him and Neptune. Thus, I shall protect the sea god's daughter with my life!"

The conqueror proves to be a stronger adversary running his sword through Azaeus who falls. I scream running toward my beloved bellowing his name to the heavens only to see him die in my arms.

A sharp pain aches in my chest forcing me to look down at the point where the blade has struck me.

Scarlet liquid spreads throughout my gown as I fall. I hear Pluto, God of the Underworld, calling for me, beckoning me to cross over the threshold.

I submit, but only if I allow myself to glance at my murderer.

Hateful blue eyes laugh at me as I succumb to Death.

"Die Aoide! Daughter of Neptune! I, Gadeirus, the true king of Lemuria command it!"


Buzzing sounds from the alarm clock radio woke Sandra up. Then she remembered the dream. Everything about it felt so real. Then again, she had watched Clash of the Titans last night. Perhaps her subconscious was telling her something. She tried not think about and got ready for work.

Poseidon's Cove was packed. The theme park saw an increase in attendance after the Gregorys heavy marketing strategy that offered a thirty percent discount for Florida residents. Patrons took advantage of it as well, returning several times during the week for repeat business.

Dressed in a simple polo and jeans that she borrowed from Callisto; Sandra entered the gift shop to meet with Cleito. A ringing bell announced her arrival just as the older woman came out of the back room to assist the customers. Seeing Sandra at the front door, the employer squealed running to embrace her worker.

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