Chapter 14

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"I don't understand," said Sandra. She did a double take grabbing a glimpse at Peter Chadwick then turned in the other direction toward Cleito. "How is this possible?"

Sandra didn't picture the sea god Neptune to be a Miami firefighter. Shouldn't he have a white beard, a crown, a fish tail, and a trident? And Cleito as an ancient queen. Where's her toga and throne?

Even at night, Cleito looked radiant against the glow of the moon. The older woman performed a simple nod then gave Sandra a quick smile. "I know this is quite a shock for you dear but it's true. This man wearing such a fetching fireman's uniform is in fact the great sea god Neptune."

Neptune guffawed, pulled Cleito close to him, and kissed her. "I always knew you had a thing for a firefighters."

Normally, Sandra Shan would have found older couples making out disgusting but, strangely enough, it seemed quite romantic. A wave of emotion passed through her allowing her to comprehend that Cleito and Neptune truly did love each other.

With his lips still locked on Cleito, he stole a glance at Sandra and broke from the kiss. "'m sorry Cassandra. That was totally rude of us." The fire fighter shook her hand aggressively before releasing his grip. "As my dearest Cleito has told you, I am in fact the all-powerful god of the seas, Neptune! You may kneel if you wish."

Sandra stood dumbfounded. Should she kneel? What if she didn't? Would he blow her up like he did with the sea demons? She read enough myths to know to never offend a god.

She made a feeble attempt at cowering but lost her footing and fell flat on her face.

The sea god snickered.

Cleito slapped the back of his head. The firefighter cringed. "Stop that! She's already nervous enough meeting you. Cassandra, you don't have to kneel. I promise. Right now, I'm sure you have a million questions. We'll be more than happy to answer them for you."

"Okay," she shook. "Did you kill the real Cleito Richards and Peter Chadwick to soul possess their bodies? From what I understand, that's how sea demons take over mortal bodies."

Both Cleito and the sea god keeled over in laughter.

"That's rich!" The sea god guffawed. "Soul possession of humans by a god! Never heard that one before!"

The older woman stopped giggling long enough the answer the question. "No dear, soul-possession of mortal bodies only occurs with sea demons. They are water breathers so the only way they can get on land is to possess human form. Gadeirus discovered this through his dark sorcery and used it to get his minions to kill the host so they can take over their shell."

"Only Lord Lemur and I have the power to disguise ourselves as human," added the sea god. "That way we could watch over you and your sisters."

Sandra felt her heart dropped. She forgot about the Sirens Four. Calliope, Calypso, and Callisto. All dead at the hands of Gadeirus and his sea demons. Tears started to well up in her eyes.

Cleito sensed her sadness, walked over to her, and held her close. "Oh...I forgot about your sisters. I'm sorry. That was very rude of us."

"They killed them..." she managed to say through her tears. "The sea demons masqueraded as humans, lived among us and they killed them..."

"There, there, dear." Cleito said patting her back. "There was nothing you or either of else could have done."

Sandra pulled away. She turned to the sea god. Anger shown on her face. "Didn't you know? You're the great Neptune! You all powerful! You should know everything! Why didn't you help them?" She clenched her fists to her side.

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