Authors Note

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Hey guys! First I want to thank you for reading, liking, and commenting! This is my first story and I'm so thankful for the support. I know it's been a while since I updated but I will be updating more consistently starting very soon. As you all know, due to the national health crisis all schools in the United States have been moved to online or just cancelled. I am a senior in high school this year and have been very stressed by this. I have been working hard my whole life and am proud to say I'm the valedictorian of my graduating class. I've been accepted into my dream college and am enrolled in classes for my major, forensic anthropology . I've recently just found out that I won't have a graduation ceremony, nor do I get to see any other of my fellow classmates indefinitely for the time being. I hope college won't be delayed in the fall and am beyond ready to start my classes. I know this may sound stupid, and there are a lot worse things but this has put a tremendous about of stress and anxiety on me. I'm doing my best right now and am trying to find some inspiration to update. Anyway, sorry for the little rant. I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and safe.

Much love!

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