Epilogue: What Comes Next

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Years In The Future

Once upon a time, Kate Wibberly thought it was impossible to feel so at peace. She had spent so long fighting and protecting her loved ones, it was all she knew. But then the day had come when she had triumphed and she had to learn that life continued on after the battle. It had been a hard road between the awkwardness of the daytime and the nightmares she got while she slept. But with the help of those she loved, she had learned to heal, and life had begun looking up. She had many years of joy with her family and friends, she learned magic, and she began carving out a place in the world. And as all this happened, the nightmares slowly began to recede and her wounds began to heal.

Kate was a woman now, a woman who had found happiness and success, and for whom the nightmares were just distant echoes. She remembered her harsh past of course, and still felt it's effects, but she also knew that it had shaped her into the person she was today, as well as allowing her to shape others.

Kate experienced the pride she always did when she thought of Michael and Emma. They really had grown up well, and while they were still, well, Michael and Emma, they were also capable adults with lives of magic and promise ahead of them. Kate was thrilled for them, even if it was strange to see how capable they had become.

Of course, even with Michael and Emma all grown up, there was no shortage of shenanigans and laughter in her life.

Kate felt a wide smile stretch across her face as she watched the two small children play, the little girl shoving handfuls of spring flowers into the boy's hair. A mild breeze cooled the warm day, as carefree as the little ones' giggles. Kate's heart swelled as she watched her kids, innocent and happy. They would stay that way, she thought, they would have the childhood she didn't.

The girl was three years old, Kate's youngest child. Her name was Abigail Clare Wibberly, though everyone called her Abby. She had been named after the kind and badass witch Abigail, and Kate's own fiery mother. Abby was a bright child with a beaming smile and a curious nature. She had wispy black hair that fell down to her shoulders, when it wasn't sticking up all over the place. Her eyes were similar to Kate's, wide, hazel, and with flecks of gold in their depths.

The boy, her brother, was just over a year older than her, age four. His name was Jacob Richard Wibberly, and like Abby, he had a nickname, Jake. His middle name was in honor of Kate's father. Jake was already proving to be an honest, loving, and clever child, intrigued with the world around him. He looked very similar to his little sister, with short and messy black hair, and the same hazel eyes as both Abby and Kate. 

They were sweet and joyful and full of life, her children. They would grow up loved. Kate had gone through a lot to get to where she was, but it was all worth it because it meant a better world for those she loved most.

"Abby! Jake!" Kate called, "try not to get too much dirt in each other's hair!"

The duo just giggled in the mischievous way that children did, completely ignoring their mother's request. Kate snorted, amused by their antics. A blissful joy spread through her, the kind that felt endless.


An hour later, Abby and Jake had been left under the watchful eye of their father, and Kate had gone for a short walk in the trees backing up their home. She played with the locket that still rested around her neck after all these years.

The breeze rustled her hair as she took in the flowers blooming from vines wound around the trees. They were lovely, bright reds and oranges, and yellows. The color combination reminded her of Michael. He had always liked the warmer colors, while Emma had been drawn to blues and purples.

Kate heard a loud crunching sound from behind her and whirled around to see a seven year old girl wincing as she realized she had stepped on a twig.

Kate chuckled fondly, "were you trying to sneak up on me?"

The girl was unabashed, "I was gonna give you a surprise hug!"

"Well, it may not be a surprise, but you can definitely give me a hug," Kate remarked.

Kate's eldest child smiled, throwing her arms tight around her mother. Kate laughed with delight, hugging her compassionate, creative seven year old daughter right back with enthusiasm.

Lili Henrietta Wibberly (who had indeed been given her middle name in memory of Henrietta Burke) was the oldest of her siblings by three years. She took that responsibility seriously. In fact, Lili was a rather serious child, smart and quiet, though very loving. She often reminded Kate of herself, though thankfully Lili was having a much happier childhood.

Aside from her personality, Lili also inherited many aspects of her physical appearance from Kate. She was on the shorter side, with dirty blonde hair that fell long and wavy. Her eyes, though, were not like Kate's and her siblings'. Instead they were a deep, brilliant emerald green, like her father's were.

Lili pulled away from her mother and said with a smile, "Abby and Jake are giving dad a flower crown!"

"Are they now?" Kate giggled. She could imagine that. Rafe was a great father, loving, supportive, and always up for spending time with his kids. He would wear whatever messy array of flowers he was given with pride.

With a feeling of fondness creeping up on her, Kate instinctively twisted her wedding ring. She had been married for years and yet that feeling of love never got old. It was strange to think there was once a time when she thought her great love would end in nothing but heartbreak and tragedy. Instead, she had fought to find another way, and now she and Rafe were the happiest husband and wife they could be. It was a wonderful thing, one filled with love.

Kate bit her lip to keep from grinning like a maniac. She had gone from the girl without a home, responsible for everything, including saving her family, to a woman who knew where her home was. It was in this world of magic and joy, with her family, both the one she had grown with, and the one she and Rafe were raising together.

She and a Lili started down the path towards that home, through the trees, sticking close to each other's sides. As they walked, Kate couldn't help but smile, her eyes brimming with tears at all the memories and all the hopes she had for the future.

"Are you ok?" Lili asked, seeing the emotion on Kate's face.

Kate took her daughter's hand. It had been a long, hard battle to make it to this, the life she loved. But it had been oh so worth it.

"I'm better than ok," Kate answered, "after all, I have you by my side."

A/N: Well, this was it, the last chapter. I believe I promised that by the end I would introduce younger versions of some OC's that are beloved to me, and here they are. Abby and Jake and Lili are all dear to my heart, and this is far from the end for them or our beloved Wibberly family. But I'll explain that in the next part. ;)

 For now, let me say, thank you for reading, it has been a pleasure to create this beautiful story, and I want you to know how much this has meant to me. I love the books of beginning and to get to bring out the emotions of these characters I love so much was an honor.

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