Chapter 3

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(Before i start, i know the past two chapters have been bad, but the further it goes, the better, and longer the chapters will be and i will try to post a lot)

Amy's POV

This is it. I ran into the huge flood of people, grabbing onto Nick's arm making sure that i don't lose him. Everybody was screaming, if they didn't come on soon i think they would all riot.

Oh... my... gosh...

Its them. They are on stage. They are here. I can't believe it. This is actually happening. The crowd immediately starting screaming even louder and thrashing.

"Are you fucking nuts tonight!?!" James screamed into the mic. The crowd roared.

"I said!!! ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS TONIGHT!?!?!" He screamed again and the everybody screamed as loud as they could.

"ALRIGHT! Now this first one's called Disposable Heroes! This is from our new album, Master of Puppets!"

The opening riff of Disposable Heroes rang in our ears as a mosh pit formed. It reeked of alcohol and cocaine. Nick grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him while he pumped his fist in the air. I Laughed and chugged down a bottle of beer.

After they finished, Nick went back to the truck and i went to go get an autograph. There were tons and tons of people all over the place. Some asshole hit me in the face with his elbow and i fell backwards. When i opened my eyes, i realized that i wasn't on the ground, but being held up by none other than James Hetfield. "H-hi thank you." i said pushing my hair behind my face.

"Hey no problem." He said. He seemed pretty nice. "Damn...You got a pretty bad cut there above your eye." He ran his fingers over the cut that the guy's elbow gave me. "Come here for a minute."

James pulled me away into a private bathroom. I took a seat on the counter, pretty much scared out of my mind. He wet a paper towel and ran it over the cut. It quickly turned bright red from the blood. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah...I-i'm fine." I smiled slightly, scared to make eye contact. He put his had under my chin and raised my head. He cocked his and smiled.

"Who did this?"

"I'm not sure...somebody elbowed me and the next thing i know, i'm here...with you." I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Oh... Some people are just shit."

"Its fine...really." I stood up and almost fell down again. James had to steady me.

"Woah! Are you sure you are okay to go back out there?"

"I t-think."

He placed more wet paper towel on my cut. "Okay...Hey i never got your name."

"Amy... My name is Amy."

"I'm James. I guess you probably figured that though." he laughed. Damn. He has such a sweet laugh.

I quickly snapped out of it and realized that Nick is waiting. "I should probably go."

He frowned a little bit. "Okay, at least let me give you this first." It was an envelope, and i wasn't sure what was in it. I decided to wait till i got home to open it.

I walked out the door and immediately everybody swarmed James. I tried my best to get through. When i finally did, i turned back to see him signing autographs and talking. He stopped talking for a minute and looked at me too. We made eye contact, and he just looked at me and smiled.

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