Chapter 10

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Amy's POV

After hours of tossing and turning trying to get some sleep, but my mind kept drifting off to what had happened, i looked at the messages they sent me.

First, i looked at Nick's:

'Amy, i don't know what happened back there'
'Just forget i said anything.'
'Please come home.'
'All i want is for you to be happy'
'Are you mad?'
'Do you need to talk?'
'Okay...okay you don't need to talk. But just let me know you are okay.'

I replied: 'i'm fine just give me some space. This is really difficult for me.'

Next i read James':
'Are you okay?'
'What did he say to you in there?'
'Where did you go?'
'Are you coming back to my house or...'
'Just text me back.'

I replied back to him 'I'm fine i just need to be alone, I dont know when i'm gonna be back to be honest. Just don't worry about me.'

Before long, Nick responded. 'Okay, be safe, love you. I'm always here.'

'Thanks Nick <3'

'No problem, but i gotta go take a shower. Bye, love you. Good luck. No pressure.'

Now, James responded, 'I'll give you your space, you can be alone and figure this out, be gone, but i will never stop worrying about you....'


'I know this is probably a bad time. Over the phone, and just shortly after we met, but Amy, i think i love you'

Get now i two. How could my life get any better? and worse...

'Wow.' Is that really all that i could say? "wow." How impressive.

'I'm sorry it was so sudden.'

'No, no, don't be sorry... I think... I love you too.' And i'm pretty sure i meant it.

'So... does that mean that you choose me?!'



'I told you, i need space. I need to figure this out on my own.'

'Just know that i'm always on your side.'

'Yeah yeah, i know. You and Nick both love me and its ruining my life.'

'I'm sorry... I never meant for this to get out of hand.'

'Its fine.'

'Thanks. But can i at least know where you went?'

'Why does it matter?'

'I have a surprise. Its really really important.'

'Fine. Its that hotel on the corner of Green St. About 15 minutes away.'

'Okay hold on.'

A little while later, i got a text from him telling me to come outside.

I walked outside of the hotel only to see James dressed in a tux, and holding a rose.

I walked up to him. He handed me the rose. "So... I was planning on giving this to you when i took you out to dinner, but now i can't. So i guess i better do it today." he said.

"Where are you going with this..."

He pulled out a little black box. He opened it and a beautiful ring appeared.

"Here..." He placed it on my finger. "Even if you don't choose me, or either of us, i want you to keep this. And every time, you look down, you see it, and you think of me." he gently kissed me on the forehead.

That was the moment that everything came into place.

I knew what to do.

((So who do you think is better for Amy?))

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