Chapter 7

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James' POV

I got back to our house and saw Lars, Kirk, and Cliff on the couch having a couple beers.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Lars asked.


"Did you lay her?" Kirk asked.

"No. She wants to take it slow cause she has a boyfriend or something..."

"So you can't bang a girl who has a boyfriend now?" Lars asked.

"I don't know man... I really like her though."

"I don't get it she was drunk to right!?!" Cliff asked.

"She didn't want to okay!?!"

"Okay okay... when are you gonna see her again?" Kirk asked.



"Normally these are just one night stands...but this one is different...shes not just a hot body."

"I'm happy for you man." Cliff said patting me on the back. "Tell us if you need us to hurt someone."

I couldn't tell if they were serious or not but either way i was fine.

Amy's POV

*Flash forward a couple days*

There has been a lot of tension in the house sense i came home at 2am 2 days ago. Things have been getting better though. I still hadn't taken off my locket.

"Here." I put a plate of eggs on his lap and wen back to bed with him. I thought breakfast in bed would be cool.

"Thanks." He kissed me on the forehead and i snuggled up in his side and he put an arm around me.

"I'm tired..." i mumbled.

He laughed "You know, you didn't have to make me breakfast."

I stared into his big blue eyes. "I love you..."

"I love you too."

I kind of didn't want to go with James today. I feel guilty.

"Hey Nick..."


"There's something you should know."

His face turned concerned. "What?"

"That person i was with the other night..."


"That wasn't a friend from high school."

"Who was it?" he seemed angry.

"James Hetfield."

"What!?! Amy, do you know what he does to girls!?!"

"Shut up!!! He is a really nice guy!!!"

"I'm sure!!! The way he tried to get you drunk so he could lay you!!!"

"Do you really think i would do that to you!?!"

"At first i didn't but now... YEAH!!! YEAH I DO!!!" i really don't even care if the whole neighborhood could hear, hes an ass we are doing this NOW.


He tried to scream something back but i slammed the door and ran out of the room to fast for him to do anything. I decide to call James.

It rang and then he answered. "Hello?"



"Yeah." i was trying really hard to hold back tears.

"Are you okay? You sound like something is wrong."

"Can i just come over?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay." i hung up the phone and got to his house as fast as i possibly could.

When he opened the door i was already crying.

It took me about two seconds to run up to him and wrap my arm around him and cry into his shoulder.

He rubbed my back "You wanna talk about it?"

I nodded.

"Okay. C'mon." he whispered and lead me upstairs.

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