Chapter 5

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I opened it up and to my surprise it was a phone number...

That can't.


It couldn't be.

Could it?

I nervously played with my locket and ate my food, pondering whether or not to call the number or to wait until Nick leaves. I mean, this can't be a prank. This is from James Hetfield- he has better stuff to do in life than play stupid pranks on his fans. Then again, its not like he would give his own phone number to me...

I don't know! Its not like i know him personally, aside from when we talked when he was cleaning up blood.

I looked at the phone across the table. After all Nick was a very heavy sleeper and i don't expect him to be up for another hour or so.

I grabbed the phone slowly and began to dial.

It rang. 'ring...ring...ring...' Every ring sounded like it was calling me to my ruin.

"Hello?" A raspy voice said as if they had just woken up.

For a moment i forgot he was on the phone. "Oh! H-hello..."

"...This is Kirk."





"Oh... I'm Amy." I tried so stay cool even though Kirk just answered the phone. After all i had fallen into the arms of James Hetfield just last night.

"What exactly do you want?" Oh what a question...

"Um... Last night James gave me this envelope and-" i could hear Kirk in the back ground


"SORRY!" James yelled running to the phone.

"Hi!" James grabbed the receiver started talking.


"So i guess you opened the envelope?"

"Yeah." Well this is just weird.

"Look, i'm really sorry i could tell you myself in person but would you wanna get a beer sometime?"

"Yeah that sounds great!!!"

"Sweet. How about that place downtown?"


"Cool, tomorrow?"


"Okay! See you then!"


I hung up the phone.

What just happened? Am i missing something? this is JAMES HETFIELD. Who just made plans to get a beer with me. Oh. My. Gosh.

I was so caught up in everything that i didn't see Nick standing there. i looked at him and snapped back into reality. "Oh hey!" I said trying to redeem myself.

"Hey... so what was that?"

"Oh! Nothing, just an old friend from high school that wanted to meet up for a beer tomorrow!"

"Sweet, do i know them?"

"No!!!" I think i might have said that a little bit too excited...

"Amy, is there something you don't want me to know?"

I walked over to him and wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him. "I wouldn't lie to you." i said into his neck.

"Okay..." he said uneasy.

I can't believe i just lied to him... we have been dating for so long and i never lied to him and he never lied to me. Its not like i'm on a date with James, it could be nothing. after all its not anything fancy. We're going out for beers! And he is so famous even if it was a date it will probably be just be a one time thing. After all, he probably has girls all over him every second of everyday.

"So you made breakfast?" He asked, changing the subject.

"For ME!!!" I laughed pulling away from me.

"Hey!" he said running after me, and pulling me into his chest and kissing me on the neck.

"I love you." i said

"I love you too..." He said staring into my eyes.

"...You still aren't getting any of my breakfast!" i ran away and he ran after me.

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