- Chapter 1 -

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Heaviness in my chest. Some weird music playing. I try to open my eyes but I can't. I try to shift around and the heaviness is gone. I finally open my eyes and see my phone's light on. Oh. That's my alarm going off... I look at the end of my bed and my cat is staring at me. She was probably sleeping on top of me. I turn off the alarm and scroll through social media for a while before getting up. Do I really have to work today? I don't feel like it. I just want to watch Netflix and play videogames all day. Oh well, my two days off are in 3 days, guess I will wait until then. 

*Ding* I got a text from my other best friend, Joan. "Hey! Want to go for a coffee in about an hour? I got your Carnival costume to show you!" Oh right, she wanted to get me a Carnival costume because she saw something that was totally my face. I'm afraid I will like it, she knows me too well. "Hey, sure! What did you get meeeeee?" "Haha you have to wait, it's a surprise! See ya!" I laugh. Of course she won't tell me, but I tried. I got out of bed, took a shower and got myself ready.

Suddenly, a thought came across my mind. I wish I could live in a fictional world. Oh yeah, I was talking about that with Lucie last night. Never decided which world I would pick, I have a few favorites. I go in the kitchen to grab something to eat before I leave and... BROWNIES! That's what I will have. I grab two pieces and go get my car keys. Ugh, I'm starting to feel sick and dizzy. Wait... this doesn't feel right... I'm... falling...

I open my eyes. Feels like I've been asleep. Wait, but I already woke up, I was about to leave the house! I sit up and look at my surroundings. I'm in the... woods? What the heck happened? I get up and walk around, trying not to get more lost than I already am. Where in the world am I? I've been walking for 15 minutes and all I see is woods. It's like I'm walking in circles. I feel something in my arm and when I look at it, I see a beetle! Oh no, not bugs, I hate bugs. I start shaking my arm, hoping it will fall over but it doesn't. I'm about to slap it but someone comes from behind me and grabs my hand. I freeze. With their other hand, the person picks up the beetle and it flies away.

"You should be careful to not crush an innocent beetle." Said the stranger, in an emotionless voice, as he let go of my hand. I turn around. That's impossible. That's... He is...

"Hey Shino! What took you so long to get here?" I turn around again and see a white dog and a guy with face paint running in our direction. OMG, and that is...

"Kurenai-sensei should be here soon." Said a innocent-looking girl running right behind them. And she is...

"Kiba. Hinata." Shino said. I certainly hope I'm just dreaming but this feels so real...

"Who the hell is this?" Kiba said, looking at me, head to toe. The white dog approaches me and starts sniffing. All of a sudden, it jumps on me, knocking me on the floor and happily licking my face. "Akamaru! Get off of her!" Kiba growled. The dog obeyed immediately.

"You heard him." Shino said. "Who are you? You're not from the Leaf Village, are you?" Both Kiba and Hinata look at me.

"I'm not from around here... To be honest, I don't know where I am or how I got here..." There wasn't really much that I could say. I'm not telling them that I'm probably from a different world or universe and have them think that I'm crazy. I don't even know if this is real or not.

"Do you know where you're from?" Kiba asked. "Not really, it's a vague memory..." I'm going to play the 'lost memory' card here until I figure this out. Kiba crossed his arms, still not sure what to think of me.

I see Hinata getting closer to him. "Akamaru doesn't seem to think that she's a threat, at least..." She whispered to him. He scoffed. "Do you... Do you remember your name?"

"My name is Mary." I told her. "Well, Mary..." Shino said. "We're going to take you to Lady Hokage and she will figure out what to do with you." Lady Hokage? That means that Lady Tsunade is still the Hokage! Yes! Okay, Mary... Chill.

"But we need to wait for Kurenai-sensei." Hinata remembered them. "Yes, after that we go." Kiba replied.

"Shizune, I'm done with this, I need a break!" Lady Tsunade said to her apprentice. "I went through hundreds of paperwork today, how much more it's there to do?!" She got up. Shizune looked at her. "You have to do as much paperwork as possible when the village is at peace. Otherwise you don't have time!" "I'm sore from sitting in this chair all day. I need to relax first before I can do any more work." Shizune signed in defeat, knowing there was no way she was going to change the Hokage's mind. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. "Come in."

Kurenai opens the door. "Lady Hokage, we have a little situation." She comes in the room with her squad and a stranger.

"What is it? And who is this?" She said, looking at me. She is indeed beautiful but I mean, who wouldn't be if they make themselves looked like they're in their 20's when they're actually 50's.

"My squad found her in the woods outside the village, wandering. She claims to not know how she got here or where she's from." Kurenai replied.

Lady Tsunade came closer. "Do you have a name?" I gulped, she has that scary look. "Mary." "And you have no recollection from where you're from? Your clan, for example?" I gulped once again. "No, Ma'am." Lady Tsunade eyed me, not sure if I was telling the truth or not. "Hum. It's getting late. Shizune." Lady Tsunade walked closer to the windows and looked outside as Shizune waited. "Find her a room here at the Residence. And we'll talk tomorrow."

"What?! You're getting her a room? She's probably a spy!" Kiba growled. "I agree with him." Shino nodded. "Guys, enough." Kurenai scolded them.

"It's decided. You four can leave now." The squad and their Sensei left as told. Shizune looked at me and gestured to follow her. I did so without saying a word. This feels so real, that I think it might actually be... Did I just disappeared from my world and ended up here for no reason? What about my family? They're going to be so worried... I can't do nothing about it now, I'll just have to survive here and figure out a way to go back home.

"Something on your mind?" Shizune asked, as we approached the room I was to stay in for now.

"I'm just confused with all this... I swear I mean no harm to any of you. I wish I knew what happened, just as much as you want to know..." Shizune gave me a soft smile. "I'm sure Lady Tsunade will help you, you don't need to worry." She opened the door for the room. "I'll make sure that someone brings you a meal, I bet all that walking in the woods made you hungry." I smiled and thanked her.

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