- Chapter 10 -

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Next morning, I wake up to someone knocking on my door. I get up and open the door, still rubbing my eyes.

"It's time to train. Get yourself ready and..." Oshima pauses. "You might want to take a swimsuit, just in case."

"Sensei? Wait, a swimsuit for what?!" My brain hasn't woken up yet, that's too much information. "Isn't too early to train?"

"It's never early to train, Mary. Not now. You need to work hard..." She starts walking. "You have two minutes to meet me downstairs." Oh crap. I get dressed really quick and grab my ninja tools. Sensei looked kind of off today. I'll ask her later what's wrong. I met her at the entrance and walk down the path to the lake.

"Why are we training here today?" It was so early that the sun wasn't totally up yet and I could still see the morning fog.

"Do you remember when I gave the chakra paper, when we first started training?" She asked and I nodded. "And do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, the paper caught on fire and turned to ashes."

"Which means...?" She looked at me.

"That my chakra's nature affinity is Fire release."

"Today you're learning how to control your chakra first. By walking on water." Oh, I know this.

"I just have to concentrate my chakra in my feet, right?" I smile and get closer to the lake. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I just have to let my chakra flow stronger in the bottom of my feet. Oshima crosses her arms and observes me as I start taking a few steps towards the water, clumsily staying above it without falling.

"You did it that easily, huh?" She whispered. "Water Style: Water Shock Wave!"

"Huh?" I look up, seeing a big wave coming rapidly at me and before I can run away, I lose control of my chakra and fall in the cold water. After I reach the surface, I see Oshima smiling down at me. "What was that for?!"

"Controlling your chakra might seem easy but you have to maintain that control while the enemy is attacking you." She comes closer. "Your focus needs to be at one hundred percent all the time. Are you up for that challenge?" I smile at her.

"You know I never back down from a challenge." I try and stand above the water again. "Let's do this."

It's mid afternoon and I'm starting to get the hang of it so well that my clothes have been dry for a while. But Oshima has not been going easy on me. Actually, she's attacking harder than usual. And she looks kind of worried too. I should ask her if...

"See! I told you I could hear that there was someone on the lake already." I look up to where the voice came and... I see Kiba. Without a shirt. In a instant, I'm under the water again. How did I lose my focus?! I come back to the surface and I also see Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Sakura, Naruto, Lee, Tenten. Even Shino and Sai. I look at Oshima and she's smirking. We both get out of the water and I see her approaching.

"That's what it took for you to get distracted?" She whispered to me, looking over at Kiba.

"No! I was... Getting tired." I said, crossing my arms and walking over to Sakura. "Hey, what are you guys all doing here?"

"Well, Ino had the idea of enjoying the good weather today and swim at the lake." She said.

"Or to just chill." Shikamaru said, putting a towel over the grass and laying down.

"And what are you doing here, Mary?" Naruto asked.


"Not anymore." Oshima said and I looked at her. "You enjoy the time with your friends. But tomorrow meet me here at the same time." I nodded, thanking her for letting me stay and she went off.

"Wow. You look beat, Mary. Is my cousin training you too hard?" Ino asked me. I scratch my head.

"No. Well, sometimes but that's fine. I like training with her."

"Yes! Training is essential to become the finest shinobi!" Lee says excitedly, giving me a thumbs up.

"Lee, chill a little bit, would you?" Tenten said, exasperated. I smile at him.

Even though I had my swimsuit on, I was focusing so hard that I forgot to take my clothes off while training. Ino had actually brought an extra towel and let me borrowed it so I lay it on the grass between Sakura and Tenten and take my wet clothes off before sitting down. Man, was I tired.

"Hey Mary, come on! Let's go in the water!" Sakura said while she and Tenten went over to the water, getting chills once they felt how chilly the water was.

"Ah! It's freezing!" Tenten exclaimed.

"Mary could've told you that." Kiba said, grinning at me. I ignored him and closed my eyes.

"I'll be there in a minute, girls. Just let me rest a little bit."

Choji sat down next to Shikamaru, opening a bag of chips. Akamaru started walking around him, hoping to get some chips. Lee sat across from me, doing push ups.

"Hey Lee." He looked up at me. "Where are Hinata and Neji? Everyone's here except for them."

"They had something to do with their clan. But I should've invited Guy-sensei to come as well." He answered me.

"No! This is our time to relax." Ino protested. "No matter how much we care for our senseis, we need some time away from them."

I chuckled. Ever since I got here that I've been training almost non stop so it's nice to have a break and enjoy time with friends. Ah, friends... How much I miss them. I can't wait until I can see and hug them again. It has been almost two months but it feels like eternity. I look up at the clouds and I let my mind wander in memories. I start dozing off, feeling my body and eyes getting heavier and heavier, hoping I could take a nap. Before I can completely close my eyes, I see a yellow blur hovering over me until I feel a splash of freezing water covering my body. I open my eyes noticing Naruto with a cheeky grin, shaking his wet hair all over me.

"Are you awake yet?" He continues to grin. I get up and stare at him.

"Oh, he's dead." Tenten commented.

"I told him this was a bad idea." Shikamaru added.

"Naruto..." I say softly, making him look at me confused. I get closer to him, wrapping my arm around his neck and give him a hard noogie in his head. "What do you think you were doing?!" He tries to free himself while everyone is laughing.

"You two look cute together." Sai said, smiling. I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, letting Naruto escape from my grip. Everyone stopped and looked at Sai, holding their giggles. Except for Kiba, who had his arms crossed and was smirking at me, making me blush harder.

"Shut up, Sai!" Naruto spat at him. I turn around and walk over to the lake, diving in it.

"Idiots..." I murmured, making Sakura and Tenten laugh.

"I mean... It's kind of true, Mary." Tenten said. Sakura just laughed harder.

"No, it's not." Kiba said, showing up next to me in the lake. The three of us look at him, startled. He smirks. "I think you would look cuter with me, princess." What?! The girls have a fit of laughter, enabled to stop. I narrowed my eyes and splashed him with water.

"Shut up, Kiba! Don't creep me out like that." I tell him. He comes closer, still smirking.

"Did I also creeped you out when you fell in the lake?" He whispers. I blush even more, splashing him with water again. I get under the water just enough so that it covers my mouth and only my eyes and nose are out. I murmur a 'get out' under the water. He laughs and swims back to the group.

"What did he say to you?!" Sakura asked inquisitively.

"Nothing!" I murmur again. Why can't I stop blushing?!

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