- Chapter 4 -

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Before she could say anything to me, I spoke. "Lady Tsunade, I'm sorry if I caused any trouble. I didn't mean it. Naruto was just trying to help me feel more comfortable here and I wanted to return the favor. Please, don't blame this on him..." I pleaded to her.

"How did you do it?" She asks, leaving me confused. "Neji said you had no form of chakra in your body. So, how were you able to perform a ninjutsu?"

I signed. "Well, remember those books you borrowed me? I figured that, if I could find a way to unlock my chakra, it would be on those books. I didn't know if it was going to work, if I even had chakra or not. But I would have never known if I didn't try. So with Naruto's help, we did exactly as the book told and it worked. Then, he explained me how to do the transformation jutsu since it's one of the basics... It only took a week for me to do it right." I told her. 

"Only a week, huh?" She paused, thinking. "What if I told you that we could teach you how to become a shinobi?" I looked at her, surprised. Is she for real? "Right now we have a shortage of shinobis since our village was attacked recently. You could help us since you're staying here indefinitely." She smiled, forming a plan in her head. "You would have to be dedicated to studies and training, day and night, for any result to happen. This is, if you agree." She looks at me. 

I was lost for words. Sure, I would eventually have to work if I wanted to stay here. And between having to work in some shop or becoming a shinobi, the latter was more interesting. But was it even possible for me to reach a higher level? To make myself a decent ninja? It would probably take me years to do it but just like Lady Tsunade said, I'll be here indefinitely. I might as well use my time right. 

"Sure." I finally answered. "I have to repay you somehow for letting me stay here in the village and if that's the way that I can help, so be it." 

She nodded. "Good. I will find a good instructor for you, to teach everything you would learn in the Academy." I nodded. "You can go now." I leave the office and run, hoping to find Naruto and tell him the news! Before I can even make it out of the Residence, I cross paths with Sakura, Naruto's teammate.

"Oh hey, you're the new girl, right?" She asks me. "I'm Sakura." 

"Ah yes." I smiled. "I'm Mary." 

"Nice to finally meet you! Did Lady Tsunade give you a hard time?" 

"Actually, no." I scratch my head and laugh. "She offered me the opportunity to become a shinobi and help the village." She looks surprised. 

"Really? I wasn't expecting that." 

"Me neither. Well, I gotta go!" I tell her and run off again, looking for Naruto. 

I looked for him in the training grounds but he wasn't there. Not even at Ichiraku Ramen. I should try his house. I knock on the door and wait. He finally opens the door. 

"Mary! Are you ok? What did Grandma Tsunade say?" He was talking so loud, he almost screamed. 

"You won't believe it!" I laughed. "I'm going to study and train to become a shinobi! It's the way I can help the village since I'm staying." 

"That's awesome!" He said, fists in the air. I smiled. 

"Also, aren't you forgetting something?" I told him. He gave a confused look. "Someone told me that he would pay me dinner if I'd help him complete a very difficult task today." I mocked. I look at him and... Is he blushing?! 

"Oh yeah." He laughed. "I did say that, didn't I?" 

"Yeah, you did. And I'm hungry." We both laughed. We went to Ichiraku Ramen, obviously. After some comfortable and uncomfortable silence and two bowls of ramen, he finally spoke. 

"I'm glad you're staying." I looked at him. "You're a nice person to have around." I couldn't help but smile. Even though I was sad because I was away from home and from everyone I cared about, I was also happy that I wasn't alone in this new world. An adventure is always better with companions. 

Next morning, Lady Tsunade asked me to go to the library and meet my new instructor. As I go in, it was empty. Maybe the person is late? I walk closer to the table in the center of the room, full of books. 

"Don't assume I'm late!" A voice said, right behind me. I jump and turn around. "I'm Oshima Yamanaka, your sensei from now on!" The woman says brightly to me. She kind of looks like Ino. Pale blonde hair, light blue eyes. Oh, wait! Yamanaka! They're from the same clan. That makes sense now. 

"Hi, Oshima-sensei." I try not to laugh when I call her that because, you know, I never thought I would have a sensei. "I'm Mary!" 

She smiles. "So, I heard that you already know how to do the transformation jutsu, right?" I nod. She scoffs. "That Naruto... Going straight to training before studying, how typical." She goes and picks up one of the books on the center table. "First, you have to study and understand how to use your chakra, how to use that energy to perform any of the types of jutsu. Once you know that then we can start talking about actual training." Great, I'm back to school now. Lady Tsunade did say that I would have to commit hard to both studying and training. And that's what I will do. 

I spend a big portion of the day just studying, only leaving the room to get some snacks and water. Oshima-sensei said she had something to take care of, so she was off somewhere. Suddenly, something takes my attention out of the books. I hear... Someone calling my name from the hall? I get up and walk to the door to check who it was and that's when it hit me. Literally. Someone opens the door before I can and runs against me, knocking us both to the floor. 

"What the...?" I look at the person. "Naruto?! Get off of me, you idiot!" Naruto looks at me and smiles. 

"There you are!" He gets up and offers me a hand. "I've been looking for you all over the place. Grandma Tsunade wouldn't tell me where you were!" I take his hand and get up. 

"Probably because she didn't want you to interrupt me." I laugh. "I've been cooped up here in the library all day." 

"Doing what? This was the last place I thought I would see you. I was kind of worried..." He scratches his head and turns his face the other way. Is he blushing again?! He's so adorable. 

"Studying, you know?" I couldn't help but smile at him. 

"That's so boring! You should be training." 

I laugh. "I agree with the boring part. But I know I have to do this. That is, if I want to kick your butt someday." I teased him. Of course I know that would be impossible. 

He looks at me and grins. "Oh yeah? Then you study and train hard because I'll hold on to that until the day you're ready to fight me!" He promised. I laughed at his dorkiness. "Anyway, I wanted to show you my new jutsu. Come on, lets go!" He's about to grab me but I see someone standing right behind him. 

"Lets go where, Naruto?!" I see Oshima with her arms crossed, looking down at him. Oh boy, he looks scared. He looks at her and laughs nervously.

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