- Chapter 2 -

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I wake up with a knock on the door. I was so tired last night that after eating dinner, I crashed on the bed. As I got up, I hear Shizune saying she's coming in. "Did you rest well?" I look at her hands, as she's carrying some clean clothes. "I brought you these so you can change." 

"Thank you." I smile at her. "And yes, I'm well rested." She smiled. "Good. Lady Tsunade would like to speak to you, then." I took a deep breath. I follow her to the Hokage's office and she lets me in, closing the door after and leaving me and the Hokage alone. 

"So Mary..." I looked at her. "Will you tell me the truth now?" I panicked. She was sitting by her desk, doing paperwork and not taking her eyes out of it. "What... Do you mean?" I said, hoping I would fool her. 

"She doesn't even have chakra, Lady Hokage." Someone in the room said. I looked in the direction the voice came and saw no other than one of the greatest ninja in this village. Neji Hyuga. He was looking at me using his Byakugan. "She's definitely not from here."

"Thank you, Neji." Lady Tsunade said and he left the room. "Now..." She finally looked at me. "I don't think you're a threat. But I do think you're not being truthful." She crossed her arms. "So, if you want to be under our village's protection, you should start speaking now." 

I signed. She will think I'm definitely crazy but maybe I am. "Well... I'm not from around here."

"I've gotten to that conclusion." She said, as a matter of fact.

"Yes but... I'm not from this world. I think..." She lifts an eyebrow. "From where I'm from, this village, you... It's all just a fiction story. It doesn't exist in real life." I paused, looking down at the floor. "Last thing I remember was me about to leave my house and feeling sick. Then, it was all black until I woke up in the woods." 

She takes a moment, still looking at me. "Alright!" She gets up quickly, startling me. "Follow me." She leaves the room and I do as told. We walk through the village up until what seems like the training grounds, if I remember correctly. We walk past some people training, some staring at us, others greeting the Hokage. We finally reach one person who's training farther away than the others. My eyes go wide once I realize who it is. 

"Naruto!" The blonde hair boy looks at her as she called him. "Grandma Tsunade! Hey! What are you doing here?" He comes running to us with a wide smile in his face. "Uh, who is this?" He said as he pointed at me. 

"This is Mary, she's new in the village." I smile and wave at him. "Well, I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I will be the next Hokage! Believe it!" He says as he grinned. Gosh. Lady Tsunade just face palms, as she as heard him say that a thousand times. Well, so have I, but not in person. "I have a mission for you, Naruto." Lady Tsunade informed.

"What? Really?! What is it?" He asked.

She closed her eyes and smiled. "You will guard and keep an eye on Mary for a few days, you should not leave her side." 

"What?!" Both Naruto and I exclaim and look at her. "Grandma Tsunade, I have training to do, I can't have her with me at all times. Plus, you have to give me a real mission!" 

"A great ninja accepts any mission, not just the ones he wants to accept. You want to have more missions in the future? I suggest you do this one." She turns around and starts walking away. "For today, your job is to show her around so she gets to know the village." And just like that, she's gone. 

I turned to him. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what her plan was..." 

"Never mind, I'll get that old woman one day! Now, I have to focus on my training." 

"Well, I can just sit by that tree then, and wait." 

"Sure. Don't worry. I'll show you around the village after this. Believe it!" Oh boy. 

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