Alec, his blood

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               Medusa's P.O.V

Alec is such an idoit, challenging a new blood. Doesn't he know what will happen? But at least this will step his ego down and show me _____'s powers and what she's capable of. I thought as I saw _____ getting ready. Popping her knuckles but it was annoyingly loud, like she was... breaking her fingers!?! Hmmm, well that's a shocker. She popped her neck and giggled to herself, which was quite adorable.

"Go!" I shouted. _____ ran at Alec. Her blades screaming out as her blood dripped out as she ran at inhuman speed. Alec just stood there calmly. I saw his eyes turning pale. One this about Alec is that he can control his black blood, and when he released it, hell was upon us. As they turned white, he laughed and with that he used his fingernails to draw his blood. The blood floated in the air, then turning into his black blade. She was reaching him, and cut his side. One thing she didn't know was that the more blood that was drawn, the more powerful he got. As soon as she did, she ran behind him, pulling his hair and dragging him to the ground. She went into the air above him, her leg blade stabbing him as she fell. He coughed, there for a second, picking up her pace. He jumped into the air. She quickened her pace and ran to the other side of the building and ran up the wall at an even faster speed than before. Without even realizing it, 10-20 minutes had gone by. Alec was going to use all his strength to beat her because he was not going to lose to a girl. I knew that for a fact.

                        Alec's P.O.V

______ was good, but I have to beat her. She had made a really bad mistake, she was in the air, and up there was a war zone for me. I could easily get up there and jump higher, or slice open her perfect body. I was only meters away from her body and she laughed in the air, I used my black weapon (known as my preferred shimigami weapon). I got a good grip on her waist and pushed her down into the ground. Then falling on top of her, I cut threw her. It was a nice ear splitting sound. Sm her waist wasn't connected to her upper body anymore. What a shame, she was such a cute girl, I thought. There was an eerie sound. I turned around to see _____'s body start to put its self together. It was... creepy. The first time I have ever thought something was creepy since Medusa had saved me. She groaned in pain. Her blood filling her vain's again as her breath sharpening. A tear slipped from her eyes. I covered my eyes as a screeching sound came through, everyone was covering their ears. I fell to my knees. I looked at _____ her mouth was open, black blood spilling out her eyes. Then when I couldn't stand it anymore, it stopped. I uncovered my ears. But still could hear ringing. People's mouths were moving and I still couldn't understand. _____ laid there, eyes open, body put together, pale, and she had won. I lost to a freaking girl! But I did, sort of, tear her apart... so I guess I could of won.

"ALEC" uh-oh, crap gotta run! I started to run, but my hoodie was grabbed and pulled back, choking me. I made pathetic choking noises. "Do you see what your ego has done, you could of killed the strongest person we have here! Do you care that she could of died!?" She paused "maybe you should be injected with more black blood, it might even take your ego away" Medusa walked away. I heard the sound of wood being cracked.

"HM?" I saw _____, she's sitting up I thought I killed the loser. She was healed, her face was crazed with confusion. Then anger, her eyes filled with it, but she smiled like she knew something I didn't. She got up with one swift and kicked me in the face with one quick motion. She kept kicking me until I fell to the ground. My body was in a sore pain. My shoulder was the most sensative thing on my body. It could be good if you hit it with not much force. But felt terrible kicking it forcibly. Right thigh, face, shoulder!, left toe, left hand. She started to look different places to strike. But the pain stopped with she started to laugh like a goat on some terrible crack given to him by terrible- //I should stop before I get out of hand// For some odd reason she stopped cold. Her expression seething. She stared at me for a solid minute. She placed a foot on my chest. Her high heeled boats hurt, only a little though. She cracked a smile only half her face. _____ bent down to my height on the floor, I think a sign of her winning.

"Why did you cut me open, freak?" She asked so simply. She smiled, a real smile. But that's what people would think at first, but looking in you her eyes was completely insane. I wasn't offended by her insult. She grew impatient, with one quick motion, she grabbed my shirt, pulling me closer to her face. I smiled, staring into her insane eyes. She looked so helpless in black blood. But I knew as everyone else was desperate trying to get their none-ceazy life back. Not me, I loved the power and what control over my life it gave me.

"We were in battle zone, what do you expect, princess?" I got closer to her face. I knew she was going to hate me someday, like Chris. But me and Chris will always have a bone to pick.

"Good enough" she mumbled and stood up. "Shall I return the favor?" ____ looked down at me. My thoat had a lump in it, honestly I didnt want to die. And its not like I could heal.

"go for it" I spat. Her face now disapionted, I guess she wanted me to plead for mercy. I wasnt going to give her the pleasure of my mercy begging. She released her firmly held foot on my chest, leaving a red mark. That I knew.

"Times up!" Medusa shouted. I had let my mind slip, people were here. I forgot. I really hate people.

"Wait you where timing us?" I yelled in response. Ugh. Some times I really hate this place, and everyone in it. I stood up, and walked upstairs to my room, skipping dinner once again. I laid down closing my eyes, thinking about my battle with ____. She had won, I guess? Thought streamed threw my mind until I heard a knock, soft and gentle, at my door.

"come in!" I screamed threw my thick door. In came...

//hey chubby bunny's, so I hope you like this chapter. And I know, I know. Alot of typos but I got this new app called Ginger Page and it has new keyborads so point it out and i will (try) to fix it. Also i get this weird thing everytime i tried to update this chapter. Anywho. Bye until next chapter//

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