Back On Track

152 4 14

                 Kids P.O.V

     Its been hours and time to time I would see a tear slip from Snows eye. I didn't say anything to her, of course she seemed like the kind of person if you touched her, she would just fall apart right then and there. But she always seemed in a daze. How long has it been since she was last a human? I didn't know but I guess thinking about Snow was my minds way of trying to forget about ____. The chances if her remembering me or even wanting me was a lot less then ever. About every 20 minutes Snow would stop and sniff the air, or mumble to herself and head in the other direction. As long as she didn't lose the smell. She didn't stop running or even pant because of the running like most of them. I was on my board. And I was getting tired as well but it was all for _____. When we got there it was going to be hard. Snow gave the black silky cloth one last sniff before running another mile and stopped in front of a big prison like building.

"So this is where there keeping my partner" Akahana whispered to herself. "Let's go". We all silently went to the front door. I peeked inside, empty. Perfect. It was about 2:34 a.m so I guess it would be unusual for it to be full. Snow was acting weird, she was all stiff and different. She didn't speak but she was on guard. She sniffed the air, and gasped loudly. The damn cat was going to get us caught! I shhhed her and she didn't even know I was there. I tried to get her attention but failed. Her face was confused, happy, angry and a pinch of fear. "Snow, what's wrong?" Akahana whispered to her sister. My throat became dry, what if she smelled ____ blood or worse her dead body? I wanted to know what she smelt but it couldn't read her face any further then I already had. She raised her hand to her lips and sniffed again. She licked her lips, and then touched her lips with her index finger and middle finger. Her fingers laying there gently on her soft lips. I looked very closely at her hand and saw:


It looked like it didn't belong on her gentle body. I wasn't flirting, no I had my own girl. She looked really sad and angered. But why? Did something happen to my beuatiful _____? I had a lump in my throat but managed to say.

"Come on we need to go" that was it. We headed into the lunch room type thingy. It looked like an old school, that the students lived in. I used to go to that kind of school until my father founded the DWMA. It was the best day of my life when I transfered there. Everyone was nice and accepting, and I was a meister. Soon I found Liz and Patty. Back then they wernt the best people in the world. But I managed and now they are... acceptable. Life had gotten a lot better since then. When life had gotten boring and dull, ____ showed up. Now everything was colorful and dangerous again. I loved the feeling she gave me... but not the feeling of panicing that filled me all the way up. We made our way past the lunch room, and found a stair case. We claimed it slowly and silently. Everyone behind me that wanted to see ____ as much as I did. I knew I wasn't going to get much time with _____ for a while until this calmed down.

"Hey, let's split up!" Patty whispered to all of us. I turned around. It might be better if we did. Gave me more of a chance.

"Okay, Maka and Soul you two down that hall" I pointed to the fatherest hall from me. They both struggled silently to get past me in the crowed area. "Snow and Akahana, down that way" I pointed down the left hall. It was erriely dark every hall way except the place we were in. The two girls slipped past me with no trouble and went down there. It was different. Maka and Soul went down the hall way like they couldn't see and I knew they couldn't. But Snow and Akahana went threw there like they knew there way around the dark everywhere. "Liz and Patty this way" I pointed to the right hall way. And patty stared at me until Liz grabbed her hand and pulled her away. Leaving me all alone by myself. I walked in the hallway that was directly in front of me. The darkness didn't scare me, the only thing I was worried about was stubbing my feet. I passed each door, first listening for anyone that sounded like _____. I was about 3 doors down when I heard creaking in the hallway. Then a door open I stopped dead in my tracks. I was so dead. I held my breath and held still, hoping the person would just go back to bed. My heart was beating out of my chest. I felt like a child told not eat a piece of candy and is trying to do it without getting caught.

"K-kid?" I heard the sweet sound of a oh so fimliar voice. I didn't go up to ____, I didn't answer, I didn't move. I just stayed there. "Kid!" She kinda screamed/whispered. She came up to me and hugged me. And I knew she remembered me and still loved me. I hugged her back with a smile pasted on my face.

"I love you, my bunny" her grip on me tightened. I held her waist with one hand and the other on her shouldar. I pulled away only to kiss her, which quickly had turned into a lovey make out sension.

         ~Akahana and Snow~

          ~Third Person View~

       Snow had Akahana old meister and they still could do it. Akahana let her grey and white and black striped needle come out, used as her knifes. Snow was in her neko form //yes she can be half human and half cat or any animal!
Sebastion: I-I hold the pretty Kitty?
Snow: don't you dare freaking touch me you butler cleaning freak.
Sebastion: *crys* but you eat souls too! *whins*

Reader: enough!
I'm sorry//

Leaving Snow still able to smell like a cat or dog and still being a human.

"Alec... he's here" Snow whispered in her un-used voice.

"You sure? It could just be your nose" Akahana whispered in reply. They came across an open door and tried to peek in.

"So we meet again" the well none smirk from the one and only Alec.

"A-A-Alec!?!" //double stuttering!// they both said in sync. They both were in shock. And stepped into the room, closing the door gently behind them.

"Come to convince me to go back with you guys?" He stopped smirking "I have grown a custume to my new found powers, you couldn't even stop me now Akahana" he stood up and walked over to them.

"W-wheres Jack?" Snow's shaky voice came threw the dim lited room.

"God only knows after our fight... but now that I have you two~"

//hey so I hope you liked my chapter... and maybe next chapter will be our last but I'll keep making reader fanfics and stuff. So I'm sorry its not as long as it would be normaly. But honestly I'm running out of ideas. And I have two other stories I still have to tackle. So if you really like Akahana + Snow stories then you'll love this one "Misunderstood Akahana + Snow (a sqeal to Death the kid x reader)" that's my other story. Follower of the week is KidaTatsuhime. Until next time bye my chubby bunnies!//


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