Preference #1 : How You Met

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😴 A I Z A W A 😴
The two of you grew up together but in your early teens, your family moved to America due to your fathers agency needing a hero there. Many years later, you returned to Japan at the request of UA needing another teacher;

"Hello class, I know that I'm not your usual teacher, but the principal suggested that I should drop by and introduce myself!"
You smiled happily at class 1-A, their eyes wide and curious of who you were.
"I am [Y/n] [Y/l/n]! Can anyone guess what my quirk is?"

"You're the daughter of Mega Phone, right?"
A small boy with green hair raised his hand as he spoke, causing some of the students to gasp and erupt into chatter. You laughed gently, nodding your head
"That's right! So my qu-"

You were cut off when the door slowly slid open and Shota Aizawa stood frozen in the doorway. You smiled at him gently, rubbing the back of your head; oh right...I totally forgot to tell him I was back..
"Sh- Aizawa! It's great to see you!"

"[Y/l/n]...what a surprise this is.."
Aizawa quickly gathered his composure and cleared his throat, slowly walking into the classroom. The class watched the two of us closely, catching on to the obvious tension between the two of you. As Aizawa moved past you, his hand touched yours very briefly, in his own strange way of welcoming you back.

💥B A K U G O💥
Your parents were friends, so you were forced to spend a lot of time around each other;

You kneeled down in your backyard, happily watching a ladybug crawl over your hands. The door to the backyard opened, the sound of your mother's voice brought you out of your thoughts
"Play nice you two!~"

"Katsuki! You scared my ladybug away."
You cried, your wide eyes filling up with tears as you watched the ladybug fly away. Bakugo had snuck up behind you to scare you, and while you screamed out of surprise, your new friend got scared too and flew away. The small boy in front of you rolled his eyes as he kicked around some dirt
"It was just a dumb bug."

"You're just a dumb bug!"
You yelled, getting up from the dirt to walk away from him

⚡️I I D A⚡️
He saved you during the entrance exam;

"Ah! Shit!"
You gasped, wiping blood off of your lip as you gathered yourself. You stood up straight eyeing the large robot, your hands tightening into fits has you focused on summoning your quirk. Before you had the chance to jump back into action, the large robot you were fighting towered over you.
"Watch out!"

You squealed at the sudden feeling of someone picking you up; the sudden rush of air caused you to close your eyes tightly, holding on to whoever had picked you up.
"There. Are you okay?"

You wobbled slightly as the stranger set you back down on to your feet. Your savior looked down at you, giving you a slight smile
"You need to watch out, that robot would've hurt you really badly."

"Thank you..I'm [Y/L/N]. [Y/N] [Y/L/N]!"
You spoke softly as the two of you began to check your surroundings. Your savior nodded, acknowledging your words as another robot burst through the wall, approaching the two of you slowly. Your savior gritted his teeth, the both of you preparing to fight.
"I'm Iida. Tenya Iida."

🔥K I R I S H I M A🔥
Kirishima bumped into you during lunch on the first day of school and spilled food all over you;

"Wow, it's pretty crowded in here.."
you thought to yourself, frowning as you tried to find a table to sit at. You thought about finding someone from your class to sit with, but you couldn't really remember what anyone looked like, since it was only the first day of school. You continued to look around until you spotted someone who seemed familiar enough. You took a deep breath and stepped out, only for a red haired boy to crash into you. You squealed, feeling hot food splash all over your uniform.
"Oh God, I'm SO sorry!!"

You looked up from your ruined clothes and paused, noticing that it had been a boy from your class. Kiri...Kiri something. The boy quickly pulled out some napkins, handing them to you with a beet red face. You shyly accepted them, dabbing at the stains the food had left.
"U-Uh, you're from my class, right? I'm Kirishima, Eijiro Kirishima."

"I'm [Y/L/N], [Y/N] [Y/L/N]."
You smiled, but then sighed at the stains. Kirishima frowned before pulling off his coat, handing it to you.
"Here, so you don't have to walk around with stains showing."

🥦M I D O R I Y A🥦
You grew up together; your moms were best friends growing up and you were next door neighbors;

"[Y/N]! Look what my mom got for me!"
Midoriya ran over to you, waving his new All Might action figure in the air. You looked up from the doodle you had been coloring and gasped loudly, jumping up to your feet.
"No way! Is that the new All Might action figure??"

"Yeah!! Isn't is super cool!"
Midoriya held it out to you and you admired it with wide eyes, taking in all of the detail that the action figure held. You gently held out your hand, looking at your best friend.
"Can I hold him?"

"Promise to be super careful?"
Midoriya eye'd you, pulling the action figure back and held it protectively against his small chest. You smiled and nodded your head quickly, holding out your pinky finger.
"I PINKY promise!"

Midoriya gasped softly; pinky promises were the ultimate form of promise. Midoriya reached out with is free hand and wrapped his pinky around yours before he looked down at his All Might action figure and gently held it out to you to take.

🔥T O D O R O K I❄️
You bumped into each other on the first day;

You huffed, out of breath as you quickly ran down the empty hallways. It was the first day and you were already late for class; your teacher was going to eat you alive. You quickly turned the corner and crashed into someone, falling straight on to your butt. You groaned, rubbing your butt as you slowly stood up from the ground.
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, i'm fine. I'm just trying to get to class on time."
You looked up and found yourself at a loss for words. It was Endeaver's son, Shoto Todoroki. You had forgotten he had gotten into the hero course as well. Todoroki looked at you, dusting himself off from the fall he had taken.
"You're in the hero course, right? I was going to the bathroom, but I can take you to the classroom first."

"Oh thank you! I'm [Y/L/N], [Y/N] [Y/LN]."
you smiled shyly as Todoroki turned on his heel and took you to the classroom. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at you, finding no need to respond.

💪🏻Y A G I 💪🏻
You attended UA together and were best friends;

You squealed softly as you ran over to your best friend. Yagi smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck as you stood in front of him, bouncing on your toes.
"Do you want to hang out this weekend? My parents are taking a road trip and said I could bring a friend!"

"O-oh, you want me to come with?"
Yagi asked, his eyes wide and his cheeks flushed a soft pink color. You giggled, nodding your head happily.
"Yeah! it's gonna be so much fun, so will you come with us?"

"Uh, yeah sure!"
You gasped, happily taking his hand in yours. Yagi choked on his breath, coughing heavily as you giggled. Yagi looked at you his face a bright pink as he took a deep breath, giving you another shy smile.
"You're so cute, Toshi!"

"O-oh, thank you [Y/N]."

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