Preference #5 : Moving Into the Dorms

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You hummed softly, music playing through your headphones as you sat in the middle of your new room, unpacking your items out of the bags you had brought them in. There was a knock on your door, loud enough for you to hear through the loud music playing through your headphones; you paused from your work and stood up, pulling your headphones down to rest them around your neck. You pulled open your bedroom door and met eyes with your boyfriend.

"Hey, Katsu."

"Hiya, Pet."
You smiled up at him, leaning against the door frame as he stood in front of you, his hands shoved into his pockets. You breathed out a laugh, moving further into your room as you beckoned him to follow you. Bakugo walked in, leaving the door open just in case Aizawa happened to walk by. You bent down, picking up your bag of things, setting it on to your bed as you glanced over at Bakugo
"Did you finish unpacking?"

"Pretty much. I didn't bring a lot of things."
Bakugo shrugged, glancing around your room for a moment. You hummed softly and walked over to Bakugo, wrapping your arms around his waist and rested your head against his chest. You heard him scoff softly but he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head.
"I'm glad your room is close to mine. Just in case I need you."

"You don't need me. You can take care of yourself."
You could practically hear him rolling his eyes, but you huffed a soft laugh and hugged him a little tighter before you pulled away, gazing into his eyes. Bakugo met your gaze, his pale face reddening slightly; he still wasn't used to your big eyes being on his face.
"Come eat dinner with me?"

"Sure, whatever.."
Bakugo muttered but you smiled happily, leaning up to press a quick, soft peck to his lips. Bakugo bit the inside of his cheek, trying his hardest not to break into a smile but failed when a small smile cracked on to his face. You took your headphones off and set them on to your desk before grabbing a jacket, you grabbed Bakugo's hand as you lead the way out of your room.

"Ten! I wasn't expecting you!"
you smiled warmly up at your boyfriend, who happily returned the cheeky grin.
"I just wanted to make sure you were settling in well, dearest."

"Thank you."
You hummed, opening your door more to allow Iida inside. He bowed his head and walked in, making sure the door stayed open. You watched as his eyes scanned your room, blushing heavily when his eyes landed on a stuffed bear that sat on your bed.
"You sleep with a teddy bear?"

"Don't judge me! It makes me feel safer at night.."
You puffed out your cheeks, your face burning under Iida's heavy stare. Suddenly, Iida laughed lightly, but not in a mean way. Iida walked closer to you and gently touched your arm, filling your stomach with butterflies.
"Even though our rooms aren't close to each other, if you ever need me, i'll be there in a heart beat."

"Tenya, thank you."
You smiled up at him as he pulled you into a quick hug. Iida slowly pulled away and sighed gently, his cheeks a soft pink.
"It's late, dearest. You should get some rest."

"I love you, Tenya."
Iida smiled over his shoulder as he walked towards your open door.
"I love you too, [Y/N]"

Before you could get a word out to Kirishima, he swooped in and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, spinning you around a couple times. You squealed, wrapping your arms around his neck to keep yourself from flying out of his arms.

"Isn't this exciting, [Y/N]?!"
Kirishima exclaimed before he set you down and pressed a passionate kiss against your lips. Once he pulled away, your head was swimming as your heart pounded against your rib cage. Kirishima held you by the shoulders , his red eyes shining brightly with excitement. You couldn't help but giggle and nod your head in agreement
"I get to see you everyday!"

"You see me everyday all the time, Eijiro."
You laughed, Kirishima nodded his head slightly, his wide smile still on his face as he grabbed your chin affectionately.
"Yeah, but I get to see you when I wake up and before I fall asleep!"

"AWWW, Eijiro!!"
You looked up at him, your eyes wide with affection. Kirishima smiled charmingly down at you before letting out a yelp when you jumped up and wrapped your arms around his neck. Kirishima lost his balance and toppled over, taking you with him. You both landed on the floor of your bedroom with a thud, causing both of you to burst into laughter.

"Hi, [Y/n]. I was wondering how you were doing."
Midoriya smiled shyly, his arms awkwardly at his sides. You laughed and beckoned him into your room, allowing him to take in his surroundings.
"You're room is much nicer than mine."

"Well, I didn't bring all my All Might merch."
You teased, causing your boyfriends face to turn a deep red. You picked up some of your things and placed them on to your bed, humming softly while Midoriya watched you silently before he walked over to you and picked up a couple of your things for you. You turned, smiling at him as he handed you what he had picked up.
"Izuku Midoriya, you're always itching to help someone."

"I- I mean, I just thoug-"
His voice quivered slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. You giggled, leaning forward to gently flick his nose.
"I'm just teasing you, Izuku."

"I'm pretty much finished here, do you want to go get some dinner?"
You asked, removing our headphones from around your neck, throwing them on to your bed. Midoriya nodded his head silently, his face still pink from your teasing. You smiled brightly, gently taking hold of his hand to pull him out of your bedroom and down to the kitchen.

"Hey, princess."
Todoroki offered you a slight smile as he held up a small bag. You tilted your head, eyeing what he held before you moved over, allowing him to walk further into your room.
"I brought a house warming gift for you."

"Shoto, you didn't have to do that."
You spoke softly, gently taking hold of his arm. Todoroki set the bag down on to your bed as he pulled you closer to him, resting his palm against the small part of your back; he always managed to make you melt, damn his charm...
"I know I didn't. I wanted to."

Todoroki leaned forward, pressing his lips lightly to yours for a second before he pulled away and sat down on your bed. You walked past him and sat down next to him, watching as he ruffled through the bag. Todoroki pulled out a beautiful hand crafted and painted wooden koi, just looking at it took your breath away. Todoroki gently sat it into your hands, smiling softly at your reaction.
"My mom made it for you. She made a matching one for me."

You squeaked softly, bringing the small koi closer to your face to examine it more closely. You stood up, setting the koi down on to your desk.
"It's beautiful. Thank you, Shoto."

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