Preference #3: Who Confesses First?

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You hummed softly, cleaning up the mess the hero students had left after today's training with Aizawa. You didn't mind clean up, you found it quite relaxing after a long day dealing with students. As you got lost in your own little world, you didn't notice that Aizawa had found his way into the training room; he stood silently against the wall, watching you with eyes full of admiration.

"Shota! you scared me!"
You jumped, squeaking softly when you finally caught sight of him out of the corner of your eye. Aizawa laughed softly, holding his hands up as his way of apologizing. You breathed out a soft laugh, brushing a piece of hair out of your eyes as Aizawa slowly made his way to you.
"Do you need some help?"

"I'm actually finished, but thank you."
You smiled up at him; Aizawa went to speak but paused before nodding his head slightly. The two of you walked down the hallway together, the sun was just setting on the horizon when Aizawa paused, causing you to hum in confusion.
"[Y/N]...I have feelings for you."

You watched as Aizawa slowly approached you, the look in his eyes completely foreign to you. Aizawa reached out, gently grabbing both of you hands; your fingers twitched slightly, aching to touch him more but you let him take lead. Aizawa stared down at your hands, his thumbs caressing them softly as the two of you got lost in your own little worlds; you felt your heart beating against your rib cage; even after all these years, he still manged to make you feel like a teenager..
"If you don't feel the same, I understand. I just needed to get that off of my chest."

You stared up at him for a moment before you pulled your hands away from him. Aizawa gasped slightly, but before he had the chance to think anything you grabbed him by the face and pulled him down, pressing your lips to his in a passionate kiss. You felt Aizawa freeze for a moment before he kissed back, gently placing his hands on to your hips.

"You know, Shota.."
You spoke, your chest heaving after a moment of kissing. He glanced into your eyes and hummed, your noses pressed together gently. You smiled slowly, dragging your finger over his lower lip, giggling when you felt his breath shutter at your touch.
"You've never been good at taking hints."

"Hey [Y/L/N]! We need to talk."
The suddenness of Bakugo's rough voice made you jump out of your skin; Asui and Ashido both blinked, looking at you with confused faces as you slowly got up from your lunch table. Ashido gently reached out and grabbed you by your hand, her eyes wide with concern.
"Do you do something to piss Bakugo off, [Y/L/N]?"

"I don't..think so?"
You mumbled, resting your finger against your chin as you thought about the last time you had even spoken to Bakugo alone. The explosive hero huffed as he came closer to where you now stood
"C'mon, I don't have all day!"

"I'll see you guys later.."
You muttered, quickly following Bakugo out of the cafeteria. The two of you stood face to face in the empty hallway, Bakugo looked at you silently for a moment as he leaned against the furthest wall, his hands shoved into his pockets. You coward uncomfortably underneath his red eyes, unsure why he had needed to speak with you all of a sudden.

Suddenly, Bakugo snickered dryly, pushing himself off of the wall he had been leaning against. You gulped, backing up slowly until your back hit the opposite wall as he approached you. Bakugo leaned forward, resting both of his hands on the wall next to your head, trapping you between the wall and his body. He was so close that you could smell the peppermint on his breath and the spiciness of his cologne; your face burned a deep red as he peered deeply into your eyes.

"I don't know why, but you make me nervous. You make my heart pound in my damn chest."
His voice rumbled deeply in his chest as he spoke lowly, making you shiver slightly. You finally met his red eyes, and the nervousness you had been feeling completely vanished.

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