Preference #6 : You Get Badly Hurt in Battle

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(No spoilers so don't worry lol)

"You thought you could challenge me?"
The villain laughed harshly, his hand gripping you by the throat as your hero stood in front of you. You gasped, clawing at the villains grip, fighting to breathe; your face was beaten and bruised, and your shoulder pounded with pain. The villain had managed to inject something into you, which caused your quirk not to work. You couldn't fight back in the state you were in, even though your mind was screaming at you to survive, your body wouldn't let you.
"You hero's are all the same. You don't care about anyone but yourselves. I guess I'm going to have to be the one to teach you a lesson."

The villain held up his free hand, and on the tips of his fingers were blades, sharper than anything you've ever seen before. You whimpered breathlessly, gagging as the villain tightened his grip around your neck and he smirked at the hero in front of him.

The villain shoved his finger blades through your back, the sound of your body ripping from the inside played like an echo in your mind. Someone was screaming, and for a moment you thought that it had been your hero, but it was you who had screamed. The villain ripped his blades out of you and laughed, your vision went blurry and all you could see was your Hero running towards you.

Aizawa yelled, catching your body in his arms. The villain had disappeared, but his evil laughter remained in the air, hanging like dread over Aizawa. Aizawa's breath stuttered as he held you in his arms, his legs quivering as he tried to keep himself up. You blinked slowly, the light in your eyes slowly fading.
"You're going to be okay, my love."

Aizawa held you close to his body, looking around at the other hero's as his voice shook and tears pricked his eyes.
"Someone help us!! Please, we need help!!"

You gasped, your hand felt almost too heavy to lift as you reached for his cheek, caressing him gently. Aizawa looked down at you, leaning into your warm touch. You smiled softly at him, your breathing coming out in soft wheezes as he turned his head, pressing his lips to your palm.
"You're my hero.."

"I love you.."
Aizawa spoke barely above a whisper, tears spilling down his cheeks as your hand fell, laying limply against your body. Aizawa watched as your eyes got heavier, and suddenly, the world around him was quiet as he stared at your face. Aizawa sobbed, hanging his head as he held your body tighter against his own.
"I love you so much.."

"NO NO!"
Bakugo yelled, dropping to his knees and pulled you into his arms. You gasped, whimpering softly at the pain you endured as Bakugo held you in his arms.
"Baby, oh my god, baby!"

"You're going to be okay. I'm going to kill the bastard who did this to you."
Bakugo spoke through clenched teeth, and you couldn't tell if his body was shaking from anger or from sadness. You shook your head, groaning softly as a wave of pain rang through your body; this is how dying felt..
"No, don't.."

"Shut up, you idiot,"
Bakugo spoke softly, clenching his jaw as he held back tears, moving some of your hair out of your face.
"Save your strength."

You gasped, closing your eyes for a moment. Bakugo pulled you closer, his body shaking as he pressed his lips to your forehead.
"I.. I love you."

"I love you too, idiot. Now shut up!"
He growled against your skin, but paused feeling the sudden limpness of your body. Bakugo froze, holding your body tightly against him as he began to sob, screaming deeply.

"no no no."
Iida rushed to you, your body slumped against him as his hands hovered over the wounds on your back. Iida shook from head to toe, tears pricking the corner of his eyes as he watched the blood trickle down your back.
"[Y/N], I should've been faster, I'm so sorry.."

You gripped at his suit, hissing in pain when Iida tried to stop the bleeding. You breathed heavily through gridded teeth, tears running down your flushed and battered face as you looked up at Iida.
"It's okay...Don't blame yourself."

Iida paused, swallowing thickly at the pained look on his face; of course he blamed himself, but by how bad your wound was, he decided against arguing with you. Iida held you close to him, trying his hardest to stop the bleeding but blood kept running thickly through his fingers.
"Tenya..I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry, you were so strong!"
Iida spoke, tears running down his face as he felt your body go limp in his arms. He gasped, sobbing into your hair as he held you close, cursing loudly into the wind.

Kirishima dropped to his knees next to you, staring at your wounds with wide eyes. His mind raced, his heart beating hard against his chest as he just stared. 

"I'm here, baby, don't worry."
His voice cracked as he crawled closer, his hands hovering over you but he was too afraid to touch you. Kirishima looked at you, fighting back tears as he crawled closer until he rested your head on his knees.
"Eijiro..I'm glad you're here.."

"Of course, I'm here, silly. I don't want to be anywhere else."
Kirishima laughed sadly, running his fingers through your hair gently, trying to calm you down. You smiled weakly up at him, your vision going in and out. You shivered, breathing deeply through your teeth.
"I' cold, Eijiro.."

"You'll be okay, baby. Just stay strong a little longer!"
Kirishima spoke softly, but his breathing came to a stop when your body felt suddenly heavier. Kirishima finally let the tears fall, sobbing softly as he pressed his lips to your forehead.

Midoriya ran at you, using all the strength he could muster to get to you before you fell to the ground. He breathed heavily, his fingers becoming coated with your thick blood as he held you. Midoriya's eyes examined your face for a moment before he looked up, looking for the villain.
"Where'd he go?!"

Midoriya's eyes snapped back down to you and he found himself breathless. His lip quivered as he slowly nodded his head, his fingers gripping you slightly as he held you closer.
"R-Right, I'm sorry my stars.."

"Someone, help! [Y/H/N] needs medical attention!"
Midoriya yelled to the other hero's before looking back down at you, letting a couple of tears run down his cheeks as he looked into your eyes, looking at how much pain you were in; he felt helpless, he couldn't do anything right now except be there for you. You looked up at him, your vision becoming blurry as your head suddenly became too heavy to hold up. Midoriya watched as your body slumped in his arms, swallowing thickly as more tears tell from his eyes.
"Everything is going to be okay, I promise."

Todoroki rushed to your side, kneeling down next to you as he examined your wounds. His hands shook as he placed his right hand over the exit wounds, freezing them over with ice. You gasped, your body shaking slightly.
"I'm so sorry, princess, I'm trying to stop the bleeding."

"It's okay.."
You breathed out, squeezing your eyes shut in pain. Todoroki gently picked you up, holding you close to his body as he did the same thing to the entrance wounds on your back. Todoroki let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding as he leaned down and pressed his lips to your forehead.
"It's going to be okay, just save your strength until we can get you some help."

Your breath was shaky, and you shook as another wave of pain washed over your body. Todoroki looked at you, his eyes filled with worry as he let you ride out the pain.

"Thank you.."
Your eyes slowly closed and your body became heavy in his arms. Todoroki breathed out, pressing his lips to your forehead again, and he finally realized his entire body had been shaking.
"You're welcome.."

All Might rushed, catching your fragile body in his huge arms. You looked up at him, blinking slowly as your breathing was labored; it hurt to move, let alone even breath. You slowly reached up, and All Might met you half way, letting you gently caress his face.

"Don't worry,"
All Might's voice rumbled in his chest, seeming as confident as ever, but you saw right through him. You heard the shakiness in his voice and the tremble in his body as he held you close. All Might looked down at you, but you only saw Toshinori, the man you fell in love with.
"I am here."

"You're...always here.."
You laughed softly before gasping in pain, your body shaking. All Might watched you, and even though he had a smile on his face, you knew he was scared. Every time you saw All Might, all you could see was your Toshinori. 
"Don't worry, [Y/H/N], you will be alright."

" you, Toshi."
You muttered as your eyes fluttered shut. All Might swallowed thickly, fighting back the tears as he held you close, feeling the weight of your body in his arms as a victim felt so strange to him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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