Meeting Him

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(Y/N) pov:

I can't believe it! Marco finally asked Star out! I was in Star's room helping her find a nice cute and casual outfit to wear, when the door bell rang, "Hey, (Y/N) can you get that please?" Star asked me, "Sure I'll be right back!" I walked down the stairs to go answer the door, when I did a handsome, what looked like a monster or demon or something, was standing their. He was definitely not a human that's for sure, with salmon hair, pointy elf like ears, purple-ish skin, three eyes and horns sticking out the sides of his head, "Star I kno-, who are you?" "Umm... (Y/N)," I told him, I mean he sounds like a male,

"I don't think we've met before,Tom Lucitor," he said and held out his hand, I shook it, "(Y/N) Diaz, " I greeted him, "Wait you're a Diaz? Well then, could you call your brother?" he asked,        "Yeah sure," I ran up the stairs to go get Marco, I knocked on his bedroom door, "Hey Marco, theirs someone at the door for you!" I told him, "Ok, I'm coming!" and he walked with me to the door to find Tom,

"Hey Marco... " Tom said, "Tom, what do you want if it's about Star, me and her have recently started dating," Marco said, holy frick the atmosphere was so thick between the two you could cut it with a knife, they obviously have some history, "No its not about Star, I need a place to stay..." "I thought you were the prince of the underworld?" my brother asked, he's a demon that answers my question.

"My parents have recently had a second son and since they said I've gone soft, he is first in line for the throne and with that they didn't need me eny more, so they kicked me out," Tom said with obvious sadness in his voice, I can't imagine how that must feel. I felt sorry for the guy,"Tom I'm so-"

"Marco can I speak with you for a second, in private?" I cut him off and dragged him into the room,"We can't just leave the poor guy! How would you feel if Mom and Dad kicked you out a because I was born? Hmm?" I asked him,"Star already lives with us, we don't have the space!" "Star can make him a room!" "Uhh let me call Dad!" he said, called dad and got the okay from him, "Tom, we'll have Star poof you up a room and you can stay here, " my brother said angrely. I winked at Tom when my brother wasn't looking, giving him the message:

'Without me, you'd be on the streets!' he gave me a sweet smile, showing me his gratitude and walked into the room. I went to go watch some TV, "Hey (Y/N), what are you watching?" Tom asked, "Earth 2020, stuff is getting out of hand with the Corona Virus, it's a really good series!" (A/N you see what I did their, cuz we watch them like a TV show, but now their watching us and... you get the point! 😜) "Can I watch with you?" "Sure I'm just gonna get some chips an guac," I said and went to the kitchen to get the snacks. (A/N I know  that they always eat nachos, but just go with it)

I came back with the snacks to see Tom waiting for me, when I sat down he unpaused the show and it started to play further. We sat there, ate the snacks and it was all pretty chill since Star and Marco were out on a date, but then he did that classic yawn-stretch-arms-and-put-one-on-the-back-of-your-seat move.

I thought maybe he was just stretching, because I heard my brother say something about Star to him and that they are dating, an ex boyfriend, friend? Something like that, why would he show interest in me? I just shrugged it off that he didn't mean to put his arm their, we were sitting close to each other since we were sharing the snacks, I checked the time and it was about 9pm,

"Hey (Y/N) I think I'm gonna hit the hay, I'm *yawn* really tired, " he said, "Oh come on! It's only 9!" I said giving his shoulder a little punch, "Yeah, but it's 11 in my dimension," "Oh okay, I'll see if Star made you a room, wait here," I walked upstairs and checked every spot were a room could possibly be, but I think she forgot. I sighed and went to go tell him, but he was fast asleep on the couch.

So I got him a blanket, threw it over him and continued watching my show, but at some point he put his head on my lap. In his sleep of course, this wasn't intentional. I didn't really mind his horns weren't poking at me, so it didn't bother me. At some point I must've fallen asleep too because when I woke up I was lying next to Tom, with my head on his chest holding on to him. I immediately started blushing and got off him, on the coffee table their was a foto of us sleeping and under it wrote, ' You guys are cute! Get rid of it if you want I've got 17 more! - ⭐' I shoved it in my pocket and went to go shower.

A/N this is future me and this story has been up for like an hour, with one chapter and two people were like: "You know, the description wasn't half bad so let's give it a chance," I know it's like, bru two readers? But that was in less then an hour so, thanks you random people!

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