The Beach

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(A/N the pic is of what you guys are wearing)

Y/N pov:

We arrived at the beach after walking for about 10 minutes. Marco and Tom set up the umbrella and stuff, as me and Star went to go change,"Y/N, you're taking forever!" Star called me from the other side of the stall, "Bruh chill, I'm sorry I can't use magic to change," I said, I was fully dressed in my swim wear, but anxiety got the best me. It's probably been a year since I've been to the beach. I sighed and opened the door, "I don't know why it takes you so long to change, but come on the guys are waiting!" she said grabbing me by the wrist,

"Star, I've told you a thousand times I can walk!" I said jokingly, but slightly irritated, "Yeah, yeah. I know," she said, we walked over to the place we set up, "Can we help with eny thing?" I asked Tom, "We're actually almost-" he then looked up at me, "Done," he covered his face with his hand (like Edward when he first saw Bella), "I'll be right back!" he said before walking towards the bathroom. I looked at Star, she had a really smug look on her face, "What was that about?" I asked,

"I think he was having a nose bleed," she whispered to me, so Marco wouldn't hear. My face flushed red, "Welp, me and Marco are gonna go surf. See ya later!" she said, grabbing her surfboard and walking into the water with Marco. I sat on my towel drinking some (f/d). Tom than sat next to me, not wearing a shirt, (internally fangirling) "Hey, what happened earlier?" I asked, passing him a can of coke, "Oh umm... Nothing important," he said and laughed awkwardly, "So you wanna go swimming?" I asked, finishing my drink,

"Sure, why not," he said throwing the can away, "Last one in the water has to buy ice cream!" I yelled, getting a 3 second head start, "Hey wait! You're cheating!" Tom said. I won, of course, "That's not fair!" he said pouting. I laughed at his response, "Don't be a sore loser!" I said sticking my tong out to him, he rolled his eyes. We walked into the water until it was about waist deep. I smirked evilly and splashed Tom with water, "Oh it's on!" he said splashing me back. A water fight started between us two, like the very muture teenagers we are. Every now and then we'd move a bit shallower. I gave Tom a final splash and started running in the opposite direction, struggling since I'm in knee high water.

Tom pov:

Y/N then ran in the other direction, I then teleported right in front of her. She didn't notice me soon enough and ended up running into me at full speed, knocking me over as she fell on top of me. We both then burst out laughing. When me and Y/N calmed down, we looked into each other's eye. I opened my mouth wanting to say something, but she cupped my face with her hands and leaned in, kissing me square on the lips. My eyes widened, but then closed melting into the kiss. Her lips were soft, stained with the taste of sea salt. I sat up not breaking contact with our lips and wrapped my arms around her waist, as her's were tied around my neck. We pulled away needing air, "I'm sorry," she spoke up, looking away.

I lightly held her chin, so she would face me, "Don't be, then you'd be apologizing for the best kiss in my life," I said as I could see a blush appear on her face, "Y/N? Tom? Where are you guys?" I heard Star yell, "We should go, plus I'm cold," she said standing up, I stood up as well, "Well if you're cold," I said opening my arms. She rolled her eyes, "You're lucky you're warm," she said excepting my hug, "There you go, warm now?'' I asked, she nodded.

I held her hand as we walked back to our stuff, assuming that's where Star and Marco was. As soon as Star spotted us she pointed it out to Marco that we're holding hands. Y/N face- palmed, "Hey Starship!" I called her, getting an idea. I saw I got her attention and gave Y/N a little kiss on the forehead. We could hear her squeal, "You're gonna get a slap for that," Y/N said, "From you?" I asked, she shook her head, "From-" she was cut off,

"Marco I told you! There ship sailed!" Star said. We got to our spot on the beach, being met with a happy Star and a mad looking Marco. I gave Y/N a look of desperation and she gave me a quick nod, "We're gonna go buy everyone some ice cream," she said grabbing my wallet from the bag, "Tom's treat," she said as me and her walked off, "Good save," I thanked her, intertwining our fingers, "What are we?" she asked looking up at me. I smiled at her, "I don't know, what do you think we are?" I asked her, "I dunno, friends with not-so-many benefits?" I chuckled at her answer, "I'll tell what, if I'd ask you out on a date, what would you say?"

(refrences ☺️) I asked, she nervously tucked some of her hair behind her ear, "I'd probably say yes," she said blushing. I bent down on one knee in front of her, taking both of her hands, "Y/N, would you do me the honors of going on a date with me?" I asked her, semi serious. She giggled at me, "Of course, you dork. But ice cream now, date later," she said helping me up, handing me my wallet and pointing to the ice cream store across the road, "I'm hungry, don't judge me," she said, as we started to walk across the road, not before looking both ways first.

We bought the ice cream and brought it back to Marco and Starship. I handed Star her ice cream as Y/N handed Marco his. The sun was starting to set, tinting the clouds a light pink, "Does enyone wanna listen to some music?" Y/N asked taking out her phone and a mini speaker, we all agreed, "Okay how about..." We than heard "cake by the ocean" by DNCE start to play, "Oh my gosh I love this song!" Star said standing up and dancing. Not too long after, Y/N got up and started dancing with her,

"Oh come on guys, stop being boring old men. Oh sorry Marco forgot you couldn't," Y/N said, "I'm not boring!" he said, "Well then get up and dance with us!" she said, "Fine, I will," he said, got up and started dancing with them, obviously enjoying himself. He and Y/N danced exactly the same, same pace, same rhythm, "How do you guys do that?" asked them, "Mom and Dad taught us when we were young," she said, "We had to be each other's dancing partners," Marco said, groaning. Y/N pulled me up, "Now Jr. Jackson, we all know you got some moves, so stop hiding them," she said. I danced with all of them and that's how we spent the next hour before going home, dancing the night away.

A/N, we finally got some romance going on! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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