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Tom pov:

She had been raped. That's why Starship didn't tell me more about her past. That's why she was scared for a new relationship, she had been with the worst of the worst and was scared it would happen again. I quickly went to my room and got Marshmallow (A/N that's his bunny's name) and brought him back to (Y/N). I put him in front of her on her bed, Marshmallow already liked her so he was fine with her petting him. She smiled at the bunny, putting him on her lap, "Thanks Tom," she said,gentle petting the bunny.

It was already dark out and we were all tired, "You guys can go to bed, I'll be fine. Probably," she said looking up at me, Marco and Star, "We can't just leave you alone," "Yeah, you're probably not even going to be able to sleep!" Star said agreeing with him, "I wasn't going to sleep eny way, no reason you guys shouldn't," she said calmly, "Are you 1000% sure, you don't want us to stay?" Star asked her, she just nodded. They both gave her a hug and went to their rooms, she then looked at me, "Aren't you tired?" "Aren't you scared?" I asked her, she smiled sadly, "Out of my fricken mind," "Then why didn't you let them stay?" I asked,

"They've been worrying and caring for me for the last thew hours, they need the sleep," she said then wrapped her arms around me, "I forgot to thank you," she said, I gently hugged her back, not wanting to hurt her, "What are you talking about, you did thank me," I said slightly confused, she shook her head, "That was for saving me, you also thought him off, comforted me, treated a good amount of my wounds and helped me relax by bringing Marshmallow. I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for you," she said and pulled away from the hug, looking me in the eyes. She then leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "I can't thank you enough Tom,"she said, a blush on both our faces, "You're probably tired," she said,

"Remember, demons don't really need sleep," I said and chuckled, "But you are, aren't you?" I asked, she nodded and yawned, causing me to yawn as well, "Yeah, but I'm probably not going to sleep for the next couple of months," she said, "Couldn't I help you fall asleep again?" I asked, "You're still fine with it?" she said, I gave her a reassuring smile, "If it means you have the possibility of getting a good night's sleep," I said to her. Again I sat in the corner of her room watching YouTube while she tried to fall asleep, which she eventually did, but I was definitely staying.

After a thew hours I noticed that (Y/N) was mumbling in her sleep. I put my phone down and walked over to her, to see what was wrong, it didn't take me too long to figure out she was having a nightmare, I gently shook her awake, her eyes shot open once I woke her,"(Y/N), are you okay?" I asked her, concerned. Her eyes started getting watery, but she covered her face with her hands, "It was like it was replaying in my mind, all those horrible memories," she said crying. I sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug. I would've told her it was just a dream, but then it actually happened to her. I said the next best thing,

"Don't worry I'm right here. I won't let enyone hurt you. Try to fall asleep again, I'll be here right next to you," I said, loosening my grip on her, as she laid down again, "I'm sorry," she said, "About what?" I asked, "About you not being able to sleep in your own room 'cause I'm pathetic," she said turning around not facing me, "You're not pathetic, you've just been through a lot, but you still handle it a lot better then others. Tonight you said you were still really scared, but you let Star and Marco leave so that they can get some sleep, even though you would've preferred that they stay. You underestimate yourself, you're brave, beautiful and smart. You're eny thing, but pathetic,"

I said, then hearing silent snores from her, cute. I gently stroked her hair, "Why don't you understand? You're so many amazing things, but you've been treated wrongly. I'll make sure nothing like that ever happens to you again, I'll make sure you're happy for the rest of your life. Because tonight I've found out, that we are soul bound, made for each other. Because tonight I found out, that I may love you," I whispered to her, knowing she wouldn't hear. I laid down beside her and pulled her into my chest. I don't care if I'm met with a slap from (Y/N), a kick from Marco or a flash of a camera from Star in the morning. I just want to enjoy this moment. I  slowly fell asleep myself.

A/N sooo, hey. I know it's a bit short, but it's like 01:32 am so I'm tired and dead inside and I have online class since I'm still in school (if you couldn't judge that by my writing) and I'm gonna regret this, but what the hell! Eny way I'm gonna edit this bad boy, then go to sleep since I'm tired af. Have a good day and eat donuts cuz their very healthy, jk.

PS. Wash your hands  👐 💧

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