Fever Dreams

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Y/N pov:

I woke up in a cold sweat. I had dreamt that everyone I loved had left me. Marco, Star, my parents, Tom. Even though I was sure it was just a nightmare, I had to make sure. I checked the time, 02:00. I'll just have to be quiet. I got up from my bed, feeling surprisingly weak. I walked to Star's room, since it was the closest. Yep she's still there. Next Marco. Wait he's not in his room. I walked back over to Star's room. Under closer inspection, I saw he was snuggled up next to Star.

Oh, this was gonna be fun to bring up at breakfast. Tom was next, this was the make it or break it. I quietly opened his bedroom door, finding his bed lamp already on and him wide awake, reading. His head shot in my direction, "Umm... Hi," I said awkwardly. He chuckled, "Why are in my room?" he asked putting his book down.

I walked closer to him, just wanting to sit down because I felt too brain dead to stand right now. He raised an eyebrow, "I just wanted to make sure you're still here," I told him. He looked at me concerned, "Are you feeling alright? You're really pale," he said. To be honest I wasn't feeling amazing, I felt really cold and weak, "I don't think so, I'm so cold Jack," I said giving him a tired smile. He gave me a blank stare, "I'm being serious," he said, taking my hand and squeezing it.

I sighed, "No not really, I feel pretty shiz," I said yawning. He put his hand to my forehead, "Ok that's not gonna work, my hand's like a hundred degrees," he said, "We'll check you out in the morning. Until then, sleep is probably the best medicine," he told me. I nodded and was about to stand up, but Tom grabbed my hand, "You said you're cold, it's probably best you stay warm. You know you are probably sick," he said, "You just want to cuddle, don't you?" I asked him.

He smiled widely, "Oh my dear Y/N, you know so well!" he said pulling me into a hug. I returned the hug, noticing only now that he was shirtless. I did feel alot warmer and safer in his embrace. I laid down a few seconds later, Tom next to me spooning me. I closed my eyes falling into a deep and peaceful sleep, free of eny dreams or nightmares.

When I woke up, the body keeping me warm was gone and I felt ten times worse. On the bed stand was a cup of steaming tea, a book and a note next to them. I picked up the note. It read:

"Hey Y/N,
Made you some tea, hopefully it's still warm when you wake up. I took your fever this morning while you were still sleeping. It was pretty high so I went to go buy you some medz. I left around 09:00, should be back in about half n hour. Marco and Star are out so just chill in my bed 'till I get back, okay? Left you a twilight book ;) Hope you feel better!
Love Tom <3,"

I smiled to myself reading over the note, drinking the mint tea (BTW if you're sick that really helps. Yes you can add some suger, no you can't add milk. But lol, this is like commen sense). I looked at the clock on the wall, 09:27. He shouldn't be to long still. I scanned the bed stand, he wasn't joking about the twilight book. I definitely was feeling a bit better after the tea, but I decided I'll just rest my eyes.

Tom pov:

I was walking home since the weather was nice and warm. I bought Y/N some medicine that should calm down the fever and a bowl of chicken noodle soup. It was alot harder to find the right medication than I thought it would be. Like why not just make the boldest thing on the bottle "Fever Medicine" and not the tiny fine print. People these days.

I opened the front door and entered the house and walked up the stairs. Walking down the hall I could hear silent snores coming from my bedroom. Opening the door I was met with a sleeping figure. I set the bag down on the floor and sat next to Y/N. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She stirred a bit, slowly opening her eyes.

She flashed me a smile, "You're back," she said. I picked up the bag from the floor taking out the medicine and soup, "It says you shouldn't drink it on an empty stomach so I brought you soup. Wait here, I'm just gonna go warm it up," I told her. She gave me a quick hug from behind, "I appreciate you, Tom. Just want you to know that," she said.

I blushed lightly. Wow, I am such a dork. I sprinted down stairs, put the soup in a ceramic bowl, microwaved it and brought it back up to Y/N, "To the best boyfriend ever, letting me sleep in his bed, taking good care of me and bringing me food and medicine," she said. She quietly sat there and ate the soup, "Tom, am I enough for you?" she asked, looking me in the eyes.

I smiled, "You're more then enough. Let me tell you something, a couple years back I used to date Star," I said. Y/N gave me a slightly shocked look, "I remember thinking I was in love with her, thinking she was my soul mate. But after a trip I went on, it changed my perspective on life. I knew that me and Star were going into completely different directions and in the long run, we weren't going to make it," I paused,

"So I broke up with her, I remember exactly what I told her. That I thought I should be dating someone who can be my girlfriend and best friend and telling her that she already had one of those. And at the time I wasn't sure what I was doing, this could've been the dumbest decision in my life. But in the end, I'm happy I did. I found someone who's exactly what I was looking for," I told Y/N. She gave me a shy smile,

"Really? She sounds nice, mind telling me about her?" she asked jokingly. I rolled my eyes, "Well she's absolutely gorgeous, most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. She's also really tuff, she can take so much and handles it a million times better then most people,"I said. Y/N nodded, "There's this guy I like, he's... " she paused, "He's a bit different, has a nice husky voice that sends my heart a flutter every time he compliments me. I can already tell he's a hopeless romantic," she said, looking off into the distence, "He handsome?" I asked, resting my chin on my palm,

"He's pretty handsome, easily 9/10. I don't believe that enyone is perfect," she added. I leaned my face closer to her's, "You take the medicine?" I asked, she nodded, "Good," I said, before connecting our lips. The kiss was slow and gentle, just perfect. She wrapped her arms around my neck as my hands were holding her face. We broke away, "Love you Tom," she said, resting her head against my chest. I Kissed the top of her head, "Love you too Y/N," I told her.

A/N. I'm so sorry I took so long to update. I have literally no excuse I was juat being lazy and stuff. As you can see the book is coming to an end, there's still a thew chapters left so don't worry.

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