The Shack

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A/N: Sorry that this chapter has taken a while, and isn't the best, I haven't slept in YEARS and I'm dying over here! Sleep is for the weak! And I most definitely did not start this at 3 am... hehe...
Also thanks to @WeepingAngel200 for giving me this idea!

Mabel and Dipper had both settled into their separate rooms. Dipper had won the bet that the twins had set, happily claiming the attic. Mabel was irritated to the point she 'spilt' pink paint onto Dipper's skull. Dipper was completely vulnerable and could in no way tell their Grunkles, for he knew Mabel would annihilate him.
A few days had passed with no trouble, if you exclude the moments Mabel had taunted and attacked Dipper, and everything seemed to be going smoothly. Dipper spent the day in the forest and the night in the attic, whereas Mabel spent the day in the town and the night at a party or a club. Just like the older twins, Mabel and Dipper couldn't be more like opposites. Regardless, unlike the older twins, Mabel and Dipper couldn't be more distant.
It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the sky was blue. The smell of pine and the feel of the cool breeze could make anyone smile in serenity. The sound of crunching could be heard as Dipper took more and more steps upon the forest's dirt path, heading to a clearing at the edge of a cliff. It was Dipper's favourite spot to go to whenever he was in the forest; the view was mesmerizing, the air was fresh and the smell was a perfect balance of the sweet smell of flowers and the rich smell of pine. Dipper looked upon the view, breathing in through his nose, addicted to the fragrance. "If I got to choose where I died, it would be here." Dipper announced to no one in particular, sighing contently.
"Hurry up and die here then, fag!" a familiar voice exclaimed from behind him. Mabel. Mabel always spoiled the most beautiful of things, whether it was Dipper's innocence or Dipper's safe places she ALWAYS ruined it! Dipper turned round to look at his female clone, exhausted from her mockery. Mabel continued to throw insults and punches at Dipper. Just before she went to leave she shouted one last thing at the boy, "How about you take a swan dive off that cliff you're so fond of?". The bitch walked out of the clearing, back to the shack, leaving the damaged boy alone with his thoughts.
He clenched his fists, teared up, turned around and started running. He leapt forward and swan dived off the cliff. The wind against his face was refreshing, and everything seemed peaceful. Just as Dipper shut his eyes with a delicate smile, he felt a force hitting his stomach.

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