A deal?

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A/N: Hello readers! It's been what? Months since the last chapter? Welp, sorry about that! I've been busy with school and lack of motivation! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this most likely crappy chapter my very sleep-deprived self has written for you! BEGIN!
Edit: I started this a month or two ago and only did the first paragraph, and I've finally come back to see 30k reads?!? My inactive ass has got 30k reads... *In tears* Have a cookie 🍪

Dipper turned from the window and faced Bill. "Fine, what do you want to 'talk' about?". Bill's eyes widened and with a smile said "Well, I've been trapped for so long and I want revenge and all that." The smile turned into a devilish smirk and his brows furrowed. "So, how about you help me with that? It seems obvious you don't like them, and they very much hate you." As he spoke he seemed to emphasise the hatred in each word.
Dipper was reluctant, yet he knew he hated Mabel more than he could ever himself. He got lost in thought, considering his options. After what felt like hours to the demon, but was most likely a minute or two, Dipper shakily extended his hand out, looking away from the golden demon. "Fine. You have a deal."
Bill's eye lit up and his smirk extended from ear to ear "You've made a good decision, Pinetree!" As Bill grasped Dipper's hand, the room lit up with a blue tint and his palm began to heat up. The brunet look at the hand holding his tightly, seeing a beautiful blue flame cover them. The flame seemed to refuse to burn him, instead making his arm feel like the artic compared to the comforting warmth of his palm. It danced in the air, painting an everlasting image into the brunet's mind. It entranced the boy. Dipper wished to be able to gaze at the beautiful flame for longer, but as quick as it appeared, it left.
Bill let go of his hand "I can't wait to work with you, Pinetree!" the demon smiled, putting his hands on his waist and standing proudly. It was as if he had just made an achievement greater than finding a cure for cancer.
Dipper, still nervous about his decision, stared at Bill. He slightly smiled, thinking of how childlike the monster that tried to take over the universe was. "HEY! I am not childlike!" Bill retorted. Dipper slightly blushed as he remembered the demon could read his mind. Mentally slapping himself, he rolled his eyes and replied with a "Yes, you are." snickering to himself the demon pouted and crossed his arms, playing along with the boy's game.

A/N: Soooooo sorry! I've been unmotivated recently and pretty mentally tired, a lot has been going down ;-;
Everything is all better now tho, and I finally got some motivation to finish this chapter! Even though it's short, it's still a start!
I hope you all enjoyed!
I'm not entirely sure where I'm taking this, but I'm sure I'll get it straight eventually!
Thanks soooooo much for reading and supporting my writing!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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