Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey Guys! Just wanted to thank you for sticking around with me this far. If you're enjoying the story, please let me know by voting, leaving a comment, or sharing with a friend!

Today's Chapter is dedicated to Csteptoe! Make sure you go check out their work! "Last Refuge of Humanity Version 2" is AMAZING! Go check it out! I promise you won't be disappointed! Such descriptive scenes that will literally make you feel like you're there!

He sat in the large wingbacked chair, fingers steeped on his pale lips as he stared unblinking at the crackling fire just before him. The flames licked, casting a dancing shadow across his face and about the darkened room. He was the epitome of menacing. So much so, that even the midday sun did not dare peek through the curtains and into the room.

A few paces behind him stood a tall, muscular man, his shoulders broad and his chest protruding. He kept his large hands clasped behind his back and his shaved head down.

The long silence drew out. The room was elaborate. There were high ceilings, and masterful works of art and sculptures adorned the walls, but very little furnishings, save for the two chairs and a large wooden desk, all facing the fireplace.

There was a deep inhale and a slight shifting of movement that was nearly deafening in the quietness of the chamber.

"I can only imagine your frustration, sir. No one knew Martin Slade would go to such lengths to stay away from us," said the broad-shouldered man. "But there is one positive outcome to this situation."

"Oh really?" came a deep voice from the chair. "Please Matius, enlighten me."

Matius straightened and held his head up, maybe even in honor. "We now know where the girl is."

The pale-faced man was out of the chair and just inches from Matius so quickly that even his superior eyesight hadn't caught it. His pointy nose nearly touched him, and his lean body was pressed against his huge chest, putrid breath bombarding his skin.

"And what good does that do me?" he asked, anger emanating from every pore as spit flew from his mouth to land on Matius' face. "Until yesterday, the girl didn't even know her grandfather was alive. What could she possibly know that would benefit us?"

Matius fought the urge to step away from his rancidness. He'd been a lackey quite a few times in his existence and understood how things worked. You didn't ask questions, make excuses, or interrupt. You nodded, took what you were given, and moved on. "I just assumed that after nearly twenty years of not finding what we are looking for, that it would be a positive."

The pale man's breathing was labored, and he stared at him with a malice like no other. It took a moment, but a wicked grin creased his thin lips. "Trying to look at the glass half-full?" he said, turning away from Matius. He moved to stand between the two chairs, his hands folded neatly behind his back, once again entranced by the flames.

"Tonight may be our only chance to grab her. No doubt she has at least one escort. The death of Martin more than likely has thrown them off their game." He thought for a moment. "Do not kill her. Bring her straight to me. Do you understand?"

Matius nodded and bowed before turning and heading to the large wooden doors. Before he crossed the threshold, the deep voice stopped him.

"Oh, and Matius?" the voice said almost nonchalantly. "If you mess this up again, I will rip you to shreds and scatter the pieces to the dogs."

He nodded again and continued out the door.




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