Chapter 7

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A/N: Well hello there you beautiful people! Got a nice, juicy chapter for you... and this is the 2nd chapter this week! You're welcome!

Camden stood at the end of the hallway quietly speaking to the dark-skinned Connor. The two of them had already canvassed the entire fourth floor twice, and Connor had cleared the area outside. If someone did know they were there, they were biding their time and waiting for the moment to strike.

And Camden was none too thrilled. None of it was part of the plan. He hadn't come prepared for this. Keeping Rayne safe, in a place he wasn't absolutely familiar with and without any of his usual security measures in place, was going to be one hell of a headache.

But what other choice did he have? He couldn't very well take her to the place that just that morning had nearly been infiltrated and more than likely still held her grandfather's corpse somewhere on the premises. The poor girl had suffered enough for one day. She needed a break.

He glanced over his shoulder at the door to the suite where he knew a stressing Rayne resided on the other side. It didn't matter what it took, he would protect her at all costs. Not only for the promise he made Martin, but for himself. He couldn't explain the strange connection, attraction, or whatever it was between them, but he knew that he needed her in some way.

At first, he'd thought it was because he'd practically watched her grow up, checking in here and there and always near but never noticed, even when she was at her lowest and worst. Martin had kept close tabs on Rayne and her mother since the day they had left him, and he always knew when things were going badly. He never, not once, hesitated to send Camden to watch over them if he even suspected a hint of physical or emotional danger was near. So, naturally, he became attached.

It was as if Martin had known all along that something like this was going to happen and took all the necessary precautions to ensure both her safety, and that Camden played a role in it. There had to be a bigger picture that he wasn't seeing. He sighed and returned his attention to his partner, who gave a short nod.

He left his comrade and entered the main area of the suite. It was already dark outside and he realized that what she probably needed more than anything right now was time to process. She would deal with things in her own way like he'd seen her do many times before.

Throughout her life, there had been more than one occasion where he wished he could have revealed himself and comforted her, especially after her mother died. Rayne had stayed locked up in her home for days and did nothing but cry. She didn't eat, drink, shower, or sleep the entire time. He had been in just as much pain witnessing the girl he'd secretly watched over for years endure such hurt.

No, he wouldn't let anything happen to her. Not now. Not ever. He would try his best to give her the space she needed, but he wasn't going to promise himself anything.

He stood outside the door to the bedroom, leaning close and listening. Slow, even breathing was all that could be heard. He quietly turned the knob and entered the dark room. Rayne laid on the edge of the bed, knees up to her chest, and one hand under her pillow. She actually looked peaceful in spite of everything.

Camden inhaled deeply and shook his head, driving away the thoughts that threatened to surface. Silently, he stepped around the bed and over to the balcony, checking to make sure the deadbolt was locked. He took one last glance before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.



Rayne was tied to the bed, a gag in her mouth, wearing nothing but her bra and panties. Smooth-skinned extremities were spread wide and bound to each of the bedposts by some kind of white, cottony material. Try as she might, she couldn't get free. She jerked her head in either direction and pulled on her restraints until she thought her hands would pop off.

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