Chapter 8

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A/N: Got some twists and turns headed your way guys! Get ready!

It turned out to be a beautiful day. The midmorning sun was shining brightly, and there was not a cloud in the sky. Everything had been so hectic when they first arrived in Louisiana the evening before, she hadn't really taken the time to appreciate the scenery.

Rayne sat in the back of the SUV, staring out the window as the countryside flew by in shades of greens and browns. It was warmer than she had expected it to be in March, even for the South. The humidity was so high that her short-sleeve shirt was drenched just from walking to the car.

Camden sat next to her, staring out the opposite window. He hadn't said much since revealing his true nature this morning. He'd almost seemed relieved that she knew at first, but now his silent treatment was beginning to make her think otherwise. Or maybe it was the opposite: Maybe he hadn't been relieved at all by her reaction. She couldn't imagine that many people had learned the truth and probably even fewer had rebounded with curiousness and intrigue rather than fear. She also doubted that many people had been through as much in their entire lives as she had the last couple of days.

In all actuality, it didn't bother her at all. Camden didn't seem that dangerous to her. Quite the contrary. It actually increased her faith in him to protect her. Inhuman speed and strength, superior fighting skills, the ability to heal almost instantly...She couldn't think of a better combination in a bodyguard.

She glanced over at his finely-toned body, clad in normal faded blue-jeans and a grey T-shirt. Over that were his leather jacket and sunglasses.

The jacket.

Connor wore one, too. It had to have been part of the "complicated" stuff he hadn't told her about yet. It seemed there was quite a lot that fell into that category.

The scenery passed by, mostly trees and the occasional field. She never thought that Louisiana could be that enjoyable. They'd been driving for nearly thirty minutes when the SUV turned down a narrow, blacktop road that parted the trees and led into the forest. There was nothing but greenery to be seen on either side. The road was bumpy and curvy and not much else.

Barely a few minutes later, and they turned down a gravel road that went back even further into the woodland. The silence that had stretched for the entire ride was finally broken by Connor on his cell phone. She couldn't quite make out what was being said, but she could only assume that it was part of some kind of security protocol.

Shortly after, they arrived at a tall, black, wrought-iron fence that held a beautifully ornate gate. The vehicle stopped at a small metal box and Connor reached out to enter a code. The gates swung open wide, and they were allowed to enter.

What was on the other side nearly took Rayne's breath away. She sat forward, holding onto the back of Connor's seat to get a better view of the enormous house and spacious lawn stretched out before them.

The house was at least two stories, possibly three, with earth-toned brick and a beige stucco-style front. Two massive white columns supported an overhang for the grand front door, and on either side of that was an array of windows. Beautiful landscaping dotted the property with splashes of color, and added to the overall beauty.

"This is your house?" she asked, somewhat astonished, looking at Camden.

He nodded.

"It is amazing!"

He answered with a shrug. "When you've been around for a couple hundred years, some of your investments tend to pay off." He could not hide the smirk that appeared as he watched her jaw drop.

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