Chapter 18

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Rayne sat on the decrepit couch in her tiny apartment's living room, her laptop across her legs, and occasionally glanced at Camden as he paced near the windows and front door, peeking out ever so often.

The two of them had discussed and debated all the new information at least a thousand times since they'd made it back to the familiar confines of her home a few hours ago. They'd bantered back and forth about this and that, trying to piece together the puzzle. She decided that the best way to do things was to give it a scientific approach, and resorted to her computer to type up a clear view of the timeline, however vague it might be.

Chain of Events

- Schultz and Brennan discover ancient tribe.

- Research and take samples.

- Develop the serum.

- Brennan leaves project.

- Government denies trials and orders everything destroyed.

- Martin takes the serum and gives it to Rayne.

- Camden approaches Schultz about a business proposition and reveals the existence of Vampires.

- Schultz becomes greedy and seeks out other avenues.

- Offers Brennan a slice of the profits.

- Camden approaches Martin.

- Schultz is killed.

- Martin agrees to Camden's proposition.

- Fakes Martin's death.

- Martin lives in hiding with Camden for twenty years, somehow getting treated blood.

Rayne grabbed her head and sighed. It was all too much. Looking at it all written down didn't help clear it up at all. In fact, it only made her feel a little crazier.

Camden sighed and finally moved away from the window to lean on the back of the couch and stare at the screen over her shoulder. "It just doesn't add up."

Rayne nodded. It seemed as though the more information they gathered, the more confusing it all became.

"If it wasn't Brennan, then who else would have access to the blood?" he asked, more to himself than of her.

She shook her head and shrugged. "I don't know, but obviously the people hunting us do," she said quietly.

She stared at the screen, rereading the information once again. "We need to know how these people found out about it."

Camden shrugged. "Schultz had to have told them. That's the only way."

She nodded and placed the laptop on the couch before standing to pace the tiny living room in thought. "Ok. Say he did, and used my grandfather's name as a successful client. That doesn't tell me how they found out about me."

Camden clasped his hands and stared down at them. "Schultz probably mentioned that it was Martin's granddaughter who was treated."

Rayne held up a finger. "Then why didn't they come after me twenty years ago? Why did they wait until now to pursue me?"

His face twisted in confusion as he realized that she was onto something. "You're right. That doesn't make any sense." He stood and began pacing as he had before. "Something had to have happened or changed," he paused, "but what?"

They both racked their brains, trying to figure what had changed over the last few weeks.

What was new? But nothing came to mind.

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