Chapter 19

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Rayne sat up in her bed, her vision blurred in her sleep-fogged state, and was surprised to see that she was in her own room again. Her hand went to her forehead, and she closed her eyes to help her recall why she was here. Oh, that's right. Dr. Brennan.

The bed beside her was empty, and she felt a sinking in the pit of her stomach, as if whatever had filled it before had left with the occupier of the bed. Throwing back the comforter, she swung her legs over the bed and stretched before attempting to stand.

She felt well-rested, as if she'd been asleep for hours on end, but she found it odd that it was still dark outside. She pushed the sheer curtains aside and peered out. Pitch black. She was able to see nothing beyond the window, not even the street light that usually lit the corner nearby.

That's weird.

She shook her head and turned to make her way to the bathroom, only half-wondering where Camden had gone. She couldn't imagine that it would be very fun watching someone else sleep when you yourself didn't have to, and assumed that he'd simply gone to do other things in the middle of the night.

It's still the middle of the night, she reminded herself.

Silently padding out into the hallway, she crept toward the living room area and paused, listening intently and straining her eyes to see through the darkness. She could see nothing, but she could hear something. It was an odd, rhythmic sound, like a muffled crunch, or possibly a thudding, even. Every so often she would hear labored breathing or a grunt mixed in with it.

"What the..." she said quietly to herself.

There was a quick rustling, and the noise stopped all together. She froze, afraid to move. Her heart pounded almost painfully in her chest, and she could hear the blood rushing in her ears. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, and she backed up a few steps to ready herself for a quick getaway.

A few moments passed, and nothing happened. No more noises, no movement, just complete silence, and the blackest darkness that she'd ever seen.

She inched forward, craning her neck and peeking around the corner into the kitchen. Before she knew what was happening, a tall, gangly figure half-stumbled half-bolted toward her. It gave off a putrid, disgusting smell, and it moaned or maybe growled as its rotting arms reached out to her.

Rayne stumbled backwards and hit the wall. The groaning tower of rotting flesh lunged forward. Her arms bolted out and sunk into the putrid mush that once had been the thing's chest. It leaned forward, mouth open wide and snarling as it tried to sink its nonexistent teeth into anything it could reach.

She turned her head to the side and screamed, closing her eyes as she dug her fingers into the goo, clawing and scratching, trying anything to deter its onslaught. "Camden!" She gave a high-pitched screech.


She heard his deep voice, but she couldn't tell which direction it was coming from, and she was too afraid to open her eyes.

Her nails went deeper until she felt something hard and cylindrical. She wrapped her fingers around it and ripped it away. She could feel pieces of its flesh caked beneath her fingernails, and her stomach churned. The creature gave a snarling bite, completely unphased by anything she did.

"Rayne!" Camden's voice grew louder, and she could easily detect the worry laced within. "Rayne! Wake up!"

His words somehow registered through the horror before her. "Wake up!" she heard again.

Her eyes sprang open, and she realized that strong arms were restraining her. Gasping for air and with her heart pounding out of control, she pushed and struggled to get away as she screamed.

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