Chapter 16

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Rayne sat in the passenger seat of Camden's Challenger, completely ignoring the scenery as it flew by. She flipped the note over and over in her hands, reading and rereading it several times. There was one part of it that kept throwing her off.

"Always stay near Camden. He will protect you. You are the most precious thing in my world, and THE DAY YOU WERE BORN was the best day of my life."

Why was that one statement all in capital letters when the rest wasn't? 

Is there something that I'm not seeing?

"Got some info on the guy we were scoping out at the club the other night," Camden said, breaking the silence.

Rayne glanced up at him, her eyebrows furrowed in question. "Really? How?"

He kept his eyes on the road. "I had Connor follow him. Looks like they're holed up in a warehouse by the docks on Red River."

Rayne nodded as if the location meant something. "So what do we do about it?" she asked.

He shrugged. "I'm going to have Paul and Connor check it out tonight, see what they come up with."

Rayne nodded. It didn't seem like anything to get too hopeful over, but at least it was something. Maybe they were one step closer.

They pulled up outside of an antique-looking bank in the heart of downtown Alexandria. Camden grabbed his shades and fixed the collar on his leather jacket before coming around to open the door for Rayne.

"Ok. You're going to have to fill me in on the leather jackets. Is there some vampire club you're privy to? I've only seen vampires wear them."

He glanced around. "Extra protection from the sun. If the blood wears off, it will protect us just enough to increase our chances of getting to shelter."

She nodded. That made sense. What better way to protect skin than with another layer of what once was skin, even it was of the animal type?

With her driver's license, the note, and the key tucked securely into her pocket, they entered the bank and cautiously glanced around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, just people milling about and workers moving here and there busily.

Rayne approached the counter with Camden just a few steps behind her, and the clerk smiled warmly at them.

"How can I help you today?" she asked cheerfully.

Rayne produced her ID and the key from her pocket. "I need to access my safe deposit box."

The blonde-haired woman smiled and took the items from her. She typed a few things into her computer, and her expression changed as she read the screen. "Ms. Slade," she said almost nervously as she handed the items back to her. "Let me get my supervisor and he will escort you to your box."

Rayne tucked them back into her pocket and nodded. She glanced up at Camden with a questioning look.

"I know. I saw it too," he said quietly.

It was but a few seconds before a tall, intimidating male in a finely-pressed suit approached them and extended his hand. He was smoothly shaven with a thick head of black hair, styled perfectly. "Ms. Slade!" he said excitedly. "Such a pleasure to meet you. I'm Gerald Mixon, the manager."

She smiled and firmly shook his hand. "Thank you."

Gerald turned and motioned for her to follow him, but stopped as he saw Camden.

"I'm sorry Ms. Slade. Only the holder of the box is allowed to access it. Your friend will have to wait here."

She gave a nervous glance to Camden, who nodded and moved to take a seat in one of the cushiony chairs placed around the lobby of the bank. "I'll be here," he said reassuringly.

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