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I wake up to my phone ringing. I groan and unplug it from the charger. Without looking at the contact name I answer and press it to my ear.

"What." I deadpan, hoping it wasn't Caleb, he has a firm belief that all girls should answer the phone with a nice 'hello'.

"Get up, I am pulling into the parking lot of your apartment." Luke's voice rings in my ear. I sigh heavily but get up anyways, pulling a pair of black jeans from the closet and a plain baby pink top. I change my underwear, pull on the outfit and go into my bathroom.

I don't bother putting in my contact lenses because I won't be seeing Caleb today, and style my hair into a dutch braid. I grab my phone from my bed and don't bother making it. I leave and try to avoid going on Instagram so I don't use my data.

When I get into Luke's black car a chorus of "hello's" echo from behind me. I turn to see three men behind me.

"Hello guys," I say before returning my attention to Luke.

"Brelynne, these are my bandmates, Ashton, Calum, and Michael. He says gesturing to each one of them.

"Hey Brelynne, Luke has told us a lot about you!" the one that Luke called Ashton smiles, his dimples showing.

"All good things I hope," I say, glancing at Luke cautiously.

"Yeah, you seem like a great person, but I speak for myself and right now I say Luke is right," The one with green eyes says. Apparently Michael. I like him, he seems cool.

"I am Calum, I like your eyes, they are pretty," The tan one says. I am taken by surprise, I didn't have my contacts in so they were just their natural brown. The boys chorus in agreement and I blush, I'm not used to being complimented like this. I mean Caleb says he likes my blue eyes but those aren't natural.

"See," Luke nods at me. I shrug and pretend to not know what he is talking about, I do though, he is always telling me that I look better naturally and I don't need to change.

He rolls his eyes and pulls out of the parking lot. "Where do you wanna go?" He questions me. I shrug and he sighs groaning loudly.

"Mate, you never know where you want to go," he says.

"Because apparently it's wrong for a girl to express her opinion on where to eat," I say quoting Caleb's words.

"That's just wrong, you always let the girl pick," Michael scoffs behind me.

"Whatever mate,  just choose," Luke sighs. I groan and choose IHOP.

"What is the hop?" Ashton asks, raising a brow.

"You guys have lived in America for about seven years and you don't know what IHOP is?" I question, giving Luke a sideways glance,

"Nope," Calum answers for them. I scoff and shake my head. What the actual hell?

"Ashton find where IHOP is." Luke says. He nods and soon the automatic voice comes over the speakers.

'"This song is a bop," Michael says as Ashton turns on their song I hear on the radio all the time. The boys were jamming out and I was trying not to laugh at some of their dance moves. I was amazed at how close these boys were.

We pulled up and I climbed out, Luke walked around to my side of the car and swung an arm around me. "You have to get something with sugar and fatty things in it." He whispered into my ear.

"Luke, but I need to...Caleb..."

"Stop talking about him, he isn't here so it doesn't matter," Luke says as he guides me into the restaurant.

"What kinda job are you looking for," Michael asks, sliding into the bench next to me when I slide into the bench next to Luke. Ashton and Calum sit across from us.

"I do cosmetology and outfit styling, but I have only been finding jobs in cosmetology, I want to put the outfit styling to some use," I say.

"You should be our stylist, I hate our stylist, she is such a hoe and she pulls at my hair too much," Ashton says touching his hair softly, making a pained face.

"What would you guys like? The waiter guy asks. All the guys order large stacks of pancakes with extra whipped cream. When it gets to me I think for a minute about what I could order that Luke would approve of and won't cause me to gain that much weight.

"She will have a stack of two pancakes with extra syrup and whipped cream, with a coffee with two spoons of sugar in it" Luke says, reciting my dream order.

"Lucifer," I groan smacking his arm.

"You are going to eat it all, I know last night you had a small salad and a glass of water and I know you are starving," He says shrugging. He has a point, I tell him a lot of things about how Caleb treats me but other things...not so much.

I groan and rest my head on my blond friend's shoulder, I yawn and he chuckles. "I knew you would need that coffee," he whispers. I just nod.

The boys are talking about the tour and I can't help but think about how much I will miss Luke while he is gone, I mean there is always Skype, Facetime, and Google Hangouts but I can't count on him to come over when Caleb leaves.

"I am going to miss you Luke," I blurt out. Luke smiles and ruffles my hair.

"Ima miss my brunette bestie," he says.

"Mate brunette means brown hair, not blond," Calum states. I know Luke is about to say something about my hair being dyed so I elbow him in the gut.

"My bad," he mutters, spinning the straw around in the water he got.

Finally our food comes and the boys practically jump for joy when they see the whipped cream piled up on their stack of four pancakes.

We never ended up finding a job for me, and for lunch we went to this small diner the boys like, I ordered a salad, against Luke's protest, but he made me order a soda instead of water, though I hardly drank any of it.

Luke's POV

After we took Bre home to her apartment we got a call from management.

"We have a huge problem," our manager says into the phone as soon as I answer.

"What is it?" Ashton questions from beside me.

"You know Cara? The stylist,"

I scoff but say "yes."

"She is pregnant and can't come on tour, we need to find a stylist, stat, and we still need to find a replacement for your guys' closet manager." He says. I can practically see the worry on his face.

"What about Brelynne?" Michael shouts from behind me.

"Yeah, I have a friend who does cosmetology and outfit styling, she is looking for a job right now," I suggest.

"Normally I would say no because you personally know her, but right now I am desperate, bring her to your house tomorrow for an interview." He responds.

"Ok, see you tomorrow," I say.

"Bye Luke," he says and ends the call.

"YES SHE IS GONE!" Calum yells from the backseat. We all cheer and I know that Bre will try to turn down the offer because of her dumbass boyfriend, but I know for a fact I can convince her to come on tour with me. I won't be leaving her after all.

I hope.   

lol so this is my book everyone, it will get good, trust me. My friend is writing a similar one you should check it out.

@k_farny *nudge nudge wink wink*

Thanks m8s

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