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I became so cold feet towards Aderonke. The happy and lively man she

knew has been replaced with a man whose face is always blue. Aderonke and I became total strangers even under the same roof. The love we shared has been broken into tiny pieces. I safeguarded my life by eating outside of her kitchenbecause I understood the fact that my life was at risk.

I would look at Aderonke
with a disdanful look and cursed the day I met her over and over again. I would sleep in the guest room just to make sure I wasn't strangled in my sleep before the dawn of a new day. I could no longer trust her and at same time, I became so observant of every activities  in our home.

I could easily notice Aderonke couldn't be happier. Although we were under the same roof, we are more than 100miles far from each other and the more far we grow day by day, the closer and intimate she gets with her lover boy. I, on the other hand do not seem to care. I hated her and I wished her death. But I am just a tiger without claws, a snake without venom and I couldn't hurt a fly.

I would leave and escape away from her presence as early as it is Dawn and arrive back into the house late at night. I just wished she would pack her bags and leave me the hell alone. Aderonke would dish her food and eat in my face, I don't know what she wants but each time she does that, I wished she chock from her swallow. An angel of doom, satanic agent, that's what she is.

There was another unfriendly night, Aderonke had dressed up and she seemed to be going out but who cares, she is free to go any fuck where she wants. She wore a black gown, her black curly wing and a red lipstick. She looked at the mirror and smiled at herself soliloquies that she was beautiful. If only she knew that she looked just as the lieutenant of the devil himself. Her mind is as black as her gown. A monster, that's what she is.

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