Chapter 14

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A few minutes later, we were all back home. Some of my vampires went into a nearby human town to stock back up on blood to heal their injuries, but the majority of them used our emergency supply. As for the werewolves, they would recover in no time after a little treatment.

Later that day when the sun had already set, I headed over to the werewolf territory with Javier. After all, we still needed to inform Mickey of the situation. First, we had gauge the situation and figure out when we could leave.

Giovanni came to the lodge and escorted the two of us onto his territory, already knowing what business I had with Mickey.

“How are the females?” I asked as we made our way through the forest.

“The scars cannot be easily erased.” He said. “But we’re doing our best.”

“Will you be taking them all into your pack then?” Javier asked curiously.

The alpha nodded before he glanced at me. “That is, if Lydia doesn’t mind the difference in population between our clans?”

I rolled my eyes before sarcastically saying, “Because I feel endangered by the amount of physically and emotionally scarred werewolf females overpowering my followers.”

Giovanni and Javier chuckled at my dry tone.

“By the way…” I said. “Is Camilla still here?”

“Yes.” Gio nodded. “She’s actually helping the females cope with the new environment and their freedom. She even volunteered to take some of them with her back to her pack in case I felt the Hidden Moon Pack was becoming too crowded. But none of them want to part with each other.”

I nodded in understand before quietly asking, “So Camilla still has plans on going back?”

Giovanni smiled sadly. “You and I are no longer engaged…but Camilla and my issue existed even before I was your fiancé.”

Ever since learning that I was supposed to marry Mickey, I thought Camilla would step forward and claim Giovanni as her own. But I guess she couldn’t forget her obligation to her pack. Their loneliness and yearning for each other would continue at this rate.

When we arrived in Giovanni’s home, he led us to a large room where the Virile Moon Pack females were located. Many of them were now clean and fully clothed unlike before. In the middle of the group was Mickey and another male. I recognized him as the young werewolf who had been the Hidden Moon Pack’s informer. He also looked like he was on the road to a fully recovery.

Mickey also looked like his usual self and I internally sighed of relief. The last time I saw him, he looked horrible. But with time and some treatment, he almost looked fully healed.

“I forgot to mention…” Giovanni suddenly spoke in my head. “Mickey’s been acting cold towards me ever since he woke up. Something tells me it’s because I claimed you. Even now, you’re still mine.”

I blinked from the information and resisted the urge to touch the mark on my neck. To the females in the room, I probably did seem like Giovanni’s fiancée still. Had anyone actually cleared up that up yet with them?

Regarding the possibility that Mickey was actually jealous of Gio’s mark on me, I doubted it. Perhaps he was just being possessive. Possessiveness wasn’t exactly correlated to jealousy, after all.

“Thank you.”

I was startled from the words that came from the young male werewolf. He was staring directly at me, so I knew he was speaking to me and not someone else. If I remembered correctly, his name was Thomas.

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