Chapter 1

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Run, run, just keep running....' These thoughts raced through the mind of a small 3-year-old as he ran away from the multitude of villagers that were hot on his trail. 'Fuck, why are my legs so short!' He turned inside an alleyway, hoping to lose the mob and escape, sadly he was dead wrong. He came to a two-way turn and decided to go the left route. He kept running till he hit a dead end.' Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT, I'm so dead.' He turned around, about to go the other way, but the villagers blocked his path before he could escape.

" We got you now demon!" A villager screeched with blood lust blazing in his eyes. The same villager pulled out a kunai, slowly making his way to Naruto. The villager was about to stab Naruto when the crowd heard a voice from behind. " HEY! Stop that now!" Both Naruto and the villagers looked up and saw a jounin. ' I'm saved, oh thank kami!' Naruto's thoughts were abruptly interrupted.

" How could you start the party without me?!?" The same jounin said with a malicious smirk. The jounin grabbed a kunai from his pouch, driving the kunai into Naruto's shoulder making the child whimper in pain. The gathering of villagers started cheering as they now have a ninja on their side. All of them approached the child with malintent apparent in their eyes. Everyone had something to hurt the child with, be it something simple like a rock or deadly like a kunai.

The mob stalked towards the shaking child, ready to start their torture. Those things that call themselves human started craving words on the already scarred skin of the blond-haired child.

' Demon'

' Monster'

' Beast'

' Die'

Including several more words that no child should ever know." Hey, why don't you scream for us?" A villager mocked as she dragged a kunai on the gashes that were already there expanding said gashes. As much as Naruto wanted to scream out in agony, he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to give the villagers the satisfaction of hearing him scream. His wounds kept getting deeper and deeper as the villagers had their fun. After about 3 hours of torturing the child, the villagers decided that the ' monster' was finally dead, seeing as Naruto fell face-first into a pool of his blood. The villagers walked away, leaving Naruto in the sickening alley to rot.

Or so they believed.

Naru POV

I wake up to find myself lying on the wet floor inside a sewer. "NOOOOOOOO!!! I'm dead, I died, and this is were Kami decided to drop me!!" I yell a bit dramatically. I'm still lying on the wet floor looking up at the ceiling, or what I think is a ceiling, and start to think. ' If I'm dead, does that mean I'm a ghost now? Cool!!' I swear to Kami, I think the stupidest things sometimes. My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden ache and rumbling of my stomach. 'If I'm dead, then why am I hungry?'


' WHOA! Was that an angle? No, I'm pretty sure angels don't sound like that, and why would there be an angel in a place like this!' *Inner gasp* 'Is it the devil then?!?! OH MY KAMI I MIGHT SEE THE DEVIL'. I was so focused on my thoughts when they were rudely interrupted... again.

"Bruh, Wasn't this little piece of shit suppose to be smart?"

I was a bit offended when the voice said that, but it couldn't be talking about me, could it? I was getting interested in who the voice belonged to, so I got up, noticing how my body didn't ache. I looked over my body, it had nothing, no scars, cuts, bruises, no nothing. I started walking around until I came across a huge cage.

" So, you finally found me." A voice said from behind bars. 'Angel, no wait... Demon, yeah, that's right.' The owner of the voice steps into the light. Blood red eyes bore into mine as if it was searching for something deep within my soul. I looked behind it, seeing 9 tails swishing furiously. That's when I saw how big it is. "HOLY SHIT YOU'RE BIG!" I unconsciously (and foolishly) say out loud. It bears its fangs saying, "That's all you're going to say? Listen, boy! I'm the Kyuubi No Kitsune! You should be terrified!"

"Hold up, first of all, WHOA! You're the Kyuubi?! I expected you to be scarier." I mumbled the last bit, hoping he didn't hear it. "Second of all, why would I be scared? And last but not least, I'M A GIRL!" I shouted, looking up at him as he stared down at me."So you're a girl... knew it, you're too pretty to be a guy." He says, sitting down. " So what you're saying is that guys can't be pretty?? Sexist much? Plus if you knew that I was a girl why did you call me 'boy' "

"Kami, you talk too much"

"Where am I?" I ask, hoping that the fox wouldn't tell me I'm in hell. "You're in your mindscape ... not hell". The fox says as if reading my thoughts. "Hey, did you read my thoughts or something, and how are YOU in here? Last time I checked, you were killed by the fourth! Plus, why does my mindscape look like ... this?" I say scrunching up my nose in disgust.


" You think ... YOU have it hard?? Did you get tortured to an inch of your life? Are yOU SHUNNED BY EVERYONE FOR NO REASON? DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO NOT BE LOVED BY ANYONE?" He stayed quiet. " WELL?! DO YOU?!?!" I started by muttering, slowly getting more and more emotional until I'm full-on screaming in frustration.

" No, I didn't have it hard as you did. I'm so sorry, it's all my fault that you don't have parents, friends, and for you being shunned". I looked up at him, the look on his red slitted eyes showed that he was genuinely sorry. The only question is ... why.

" Why are you saying it's your fault? I just met you!" I say confused. " well... you see, I was the one who attacked the village 3 years ago"

~~(Kurama told Naruto everything that happened the day she was born)~~

3rd pov

By the end of Kurama's explanation, Naruto was trying her best not to cry

" Kit ... just let it all out, you're too young to have been through so much and never once shed a tear. Come here"

Naruto walked through the gap between the large bars toward Kurama. She laid down in Kurama's fur and sobbed softly, staining his fur with salty tears and saliva. " Thanks, Kuwama. *yawn* You're going to be the only family I need from now on." Naruto mumbles, slowly drifting to sleep. "Wouldn't have it any other way" Kurama whispers softly before Naruto drifted off to the real world.


Original word count: 1,072

Word count: 1,199

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