Mary、how does your garden grow

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Only the stars know,
How my garden is grown.

Not with shells or bells,
But with the love I sow,

with each bed, each plough,
My garden grows.

But only the moon knows,
The way the wind will blow.

Only the flowers know,
The love I have, the pain,

How I waited, in vain,
by the Daisy's in the rain.

Picking anemones,
they ought to keep me sane

To help me convey;

Only the flowers know,
How fickle love can be.

How time goes by,
And friends start to die.

How the shade of a tree,
Can bring tragedy.

If the shadow is cast too long.

Only I know,
How my garden is grown.

Not with shells or bells,
But with the love I sow,

with each bed, each plough,
My garden grows.

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