Her silence an Entropy

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How could one look so sad
when the moon conveys you like a symphony
no one has yet to forget?

Why does the wind rustle your hair
like hidden grace lies there
hoping for a chance to sweep you off your feet?

Why do you hide yourself
in the thicket of wild flowers
and so gracefully dance upon the rooftops?


Why is it that you fill the forest
with such a silence
that it cocoons
leaving nothing but the promise

that we too
could fly as high as the clouds.

A silence that spreads and grips the forest
as though its caught within a spiders web,
capturing all of those who fall within.

Her silence played the world like a amourous symphony;
no burden here.
This was where darkness and light
danced about each other

as if a long friendship had always been there,
as if they had forever been in harmony.

Where life and death only held fleeting momentary meanings.
I was afraid to move; to breathe.
I was afraid what would happen next.

If it would stop, if she would starlte.
How could anyone not want to experience this silence?

Even if it was only momentary?
This silence that filled your heart
with a feeling that is so hard to convey, let alone explain.
It's like a wave that endlessly reaches to shore,

as if seeking the hand of a long lost friend; Nostalgia.
Yes, it's as if her silence called out to you with a sense of nostalgia
that nestles itself within the deep confounds of your heart

embedding itself within the roots of your memories
and digs its way into you and doesn't want to let go.

And you don't want it to let go.

Her silence was the harbinger of life.

As though it had just made the perfect recipe
and had just offered you the last bite.
Her silence lodges onto your soul

like it will only survive
if you allow it to reside there
waiting for the day you can pass it on to someone

that has yet to find themself.
her silence,
was the kind of that mends the wounded and heals the sick.

The kind that brings life to shadows,
to darkness.
Her silence lives within the deepest

thoughts that linger together with thoughts of love and home.
Her silence, the kind of silence that
held a completely different meaning of the word…

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