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I didn't have too many questions, so I pulled some off from a website, but here you go!

Question: Favorite series besides MHA?
Answer: My favorite series besides My Hero Academia has to be JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. An anime full of buff dudes and a lot of gay.

Question: What's your favorite food?
Answer: My favorite food is ramen. I like flavors like beef, chicken, shrimp, and soy sauce.

Question: Will you make more chapters and stories?
Answer: I'm not sure about making more chapters for this specific book, for anything else, probably. And yes, I will make more books/stories, about any fandom, including My Hero Academia. And if some of you are wondering when I will update my other MHA stories, I promise I will update them soon, I've just been a little busy.

(Now for the questions I found on a website)

Question: Are you named after anyone?
Answer: Not anyone I know, it was a character from a movie called "Little Miss Sunshine", if you know it you might be able to figure out my name (; And another hint, my name is featured in the name of a restaurant.

Question: Do you eat breakfast every morning?
Answer: Actually, I don't eat breakfast at all XD. I'm not a breakfast person really, and it always makes me queasy so I just decide not to eat.

Question: Do you have a catchphrase?
Answer: Yes, I do. It's mostly something I say between me and my friends and family, and I didn't make it up, but I always say "Get noobed".

Question: Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?
Answer: Well, I never had to, but one school day I did go to class in my UA cosplay, which was pretty fun especially when my teachers were really confused.

Question: Comedy or Horror movie?
Answer: Horror.

Question: Coca Cola or Pepsi?
Answer: Coca Cola.

Question: iPhone or Android?
Answer: Android.

Question: Forgiveness or vengeance?
Answer: Vengeance.

Question: Kill or be killed?
Answer: Kill.

Question: Cat or dog person?
Answer: Cat person, because I have one, but I still love dogs.

If you have any add-on questions, go ahead and ask and I'll reply and answer, doesn't have to be about me either.<3

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