Chapter Nine: Sam

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I finished my huge speech to Paul about the importance of family and his imprint. I was proud of Jare and Leah for stepping up, for comforting and protecting Miley. I loved Becca, but she couldn't get in the way of family. Besides, she knew about the baby and how important family was to us.

"How the hell am I supposed to come back from this, Sam? She dragged Jared and Leah into it!" Paul growled, but I knew it was more at himself for being so stupid. "I can't think of anything that'll help!"

"You know, changing your baby's diaper on daily basis can kick start the beginning of forgiveness." Em told him. "When Sam nearly got himself arrested for something Jared did, Jare found it went a long way to cater Sam's meals for a few weeks."

"Never eat Jared's cooking if it's not pancakes or chocolate chip cookies," I smiled slightly.

"And after the diaper phase?" Paul asked.

"Loving looks, flirting, charming character, and cooking her breakfast. Make small talk with her." Em told him.

"That's it?"

"A romantic date in the city will work best, after at least a week or two of breakfast in bed." I nodded.

"You sound as if you're speaking from experience."

"Yes. It's something I refrain from thinking about." I blushed.

"Sam can be a romantic when you boys aren't around," Em told Paul

"Eugh! Em, stop right there!" Paul gagged. "What happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom!"

I laughed. "I'll talk to Miley, smooth things over. Just...break it off with Becca."

He nodded. I left the house and followed Miley's scent to her place.

"What are you doing here, Sammy?" She asked me without even turning around to look at me.

"You're going to work things out with Paul. You're going to let him see JJ on a daily basis, and you're going to talk to him and pretend this whole Rebecca thing never happened." I commanded her. "You don't need to be together, as a couple. Just act as a family."

"This is so unfair."

"No one said life was fair, kiddo." I replied. "I mean, look at us. We turn into large dogs, we have to kill vampires. We didn't get a say in this life, it was given to us by force.'s a good thing. We held each other together through Harry's passing, we gave Paul a family. We're family...but you and Paul are our glue now."

"I thought you and Em were the glue."

"Who gave birth to the baby that's motivating us to fight harder for the people of La Push?" I smiled. JJ had been a blessing to us all. She'd been named after Jared and Quil. The little miracle gave us another reason to fight. Another reason to live, to go home at the end of the day.


"Exactly." I nodded. "You and Paul provided that reason before Ems and I could. You're the new glue. You have more of a motherly instinct than Emily has. You can take the tone of an alpha, because that's what you are to JJ."

"So, what you're saying is, because I'm the glue...Paul and I have to move as a family unit?" She questioned.

"He keeps you happy, Miley. Even if he's just there, I can tell he brightens your day." I told her. "It'll be a lot healthier for Jare if her parents set a good example, by interacting and being a family unit even if they're not together."

She hugged me. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Sammy."

"Sammy is a chubby twelve year old. It's just Sam." I chuckled.

"You're quoting Supernatural." She smiled.

"Yes, I believe I am." I kissed her forehead. "Come on, I'm sure Emily's waiting with a fresh batch of muffins."

We made our way to the house with JJ, making our way to fresh muffins and family.

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