An Unlikely (Love) Story~Mally×Thackery

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Mallymkun was feeling slightly betrayed. After her best friend and crush, Tarrant ran off with Alice, the poor little dormouse had been feeling abandoned and cast out. She was in her own house, an intricately designed burrow in an oak tree. Pacing around her room was sort of calming her short fuse. Mally just couldn't understand it. What does the Hatter see in that Alice-imposter anyways? What does that Overling have that she doesn't? True, little miss champion finally proved she was the Alice but Mally still didn't trust her as far as she could throw her. Anyways, there was a method to Mallymkun's madness. She had always been protective of Tarrant. When she was just a little dormouse, her parents had unfortunately been attacked by a Jubjub bird. A young 12-ish Hatter found her huddled under a leaf while taking a walk in the Tulgey Woods. He scooped her up and that was the beginning of a long-lasting friendship. Ever since then, she wouldn't let anyone touch her beloved friend, The Hatter. But in recent years Mally started to feel a strange uncertainty among the Hatter. She realized that she'd fallen in love with him but knew she had no chance. She was a meek, itty-bitty mouse and he was a grown man. And now it seems he's taken a liking to Alice.

Thinking back was too much for Mallymkun to bear. She gave in to the tears that had been building up and let them fall to the floor. Then came a knock on her door. Just great, she sighed to herself. The last thing she wanted was to talk to someone. She prayed to Time that it wasn't Hatter, Alice, Bloody Big Head, or Chessur. She reluctantly pulled herself together and wiped away her tears. When she opened the door she was surprised to find Thackery Earwicket behind it. Now Thackery was no Hatter but has still always had Mally's back when necessary. "Hey, Thack." She said. She tried to sound perky but that just wasn't happening at the moment. "Awright thare Mally! ye a'richt? ye seem a bawherr bit pure upset." He said to her with his unique accent. Mally could never figure out what kind of accent it was. It was similar to Tarrant's angry Scottish accent yet sometimes it was so thick that it was hard to understand him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Even though she waved off his concerns, Thackery still wouldn't back down. "Weel ye mynd if ah come in? ye'v bin cooped up in 'ere fur ferr some time. Ye cuid uise a bawherr company." He offered her. Honestly, even if Mally declined, Thackery was just going to let himself in anyways. He'd begun to worry about his friend after going home from their tea party that afternoon. Normally, Mally would hang out with either Thackery or Tarrant, depending on who was free. But instead, she went straight home without talking to anyone.

Mally knew her best friend. She might as well let him in despite her feelings of wanting to cry into her pillow for a good few hours. "Sure. I'll make some tea." Seeing as how Mallymkun's house was made for a mouse, it was still big enough that a slim march hare like Thackery could enter. He sat in a wooden chair around Mally's dining table. "Sae tell me, mal, whit's git yer tail in a twist?" Thackery said as he leaned back in the chair. Mally stifled a giggle. She could always count on Thack to make her laugh but she didn't want to seem like she was actually enjoying his presence. "It's that not-Alice. She's brainwashing the Hatter! And he's falling for her, I just know it Thack." She frustratingly plopped down in the chair across from Thackery and threw her arms up in the air. "Are ye sure tis nae fur ye'r aye in loue wi' Tarrant? Fur it seems tae me ye'r jealous o' Alice." He twitched madly (as he does) and smirked at the sight of his friend squirming in her seat at the mere mention of her crush. Mally grabbed her tail and started to play with it to avoid this now awkward and uncomfortable conversation.

   "Fine.  Yes, I still love him.  How am I supposed to just not love him?  I guess that girl isn't so bad either.  She seems nice, the curious type who lets her mind wander frequently.  And I suppose she's just as mad as the rest of us."  Mally finally admitted.  "Thare ye gang!"  Thackery practically hopped out of his seat.  "So why do I still feel like a pile of shukm?"  She added.  Thackery settled down once he saw how miserable she looked.  "it's juist th' heartbreak talking. Ah ken ye'll pull through."  As mental as he was, Thackery still had feelings like anyone else.  So why the hell was this hurting him so goddamn much?  Sure, it pains him to see any of his friends in pain.  But this was different.  It was a feeling far worse than that.  Then it hit him.  There's only one thing that can make an already mad hare madder than a March hare.  Love?  Thackery love...with Mallymkun.  What a ridiculous idea.  A ridiculously wonderful idea.  But wait just one moment.  The whole reason she was upset in the first place was that she was in love with Tarrant.  Obviously, Thackery didn't want to be the one to tell Mally that it's very unlikely that will ever happen.  But what a dilemma this has turned into.  Basically, Mally doesn't stand a chance against Alice and Thackery doesn't hold a candle to the Hatter either.  If only he could get Mally to understand for herself, then Thackery would have her all to himself.

   "Yeah right.  Nobody loves me.  I'm gonna be alone forever."  She sobbed.  "no na na, awright don' greet. I-i...I loue you."  Mally was about to say something negative in response but stopped.  Of course he loves her, Thack has been her friend since forever.  Wait did he mean friend or something more?  She thought about all the times he'd been so kind to her.  When she contracted a case of the Weasels (it's uh...kinda like the measles), he never left her side for a week.  At any of the White Queen's special dinners, he'd always reserve a seat just for her right beside him.  And whenever he makes a new recipe, he only trusts her to taste-test it first.  And here they were now.  It has most certainly been a good three minutes and she was still silently sobbing into his jacket (he's much too tall for her to reach his shoulder, even with him kneeling) as he delicately placed his hands over her body.  Obviously, he didn't want to squish her, she might be feisty but she's still fragile.  Just like her heart.  "Y-you do?"  She sniffed.  "Mally, th' ainlie fowk a'd ever say it tae is ma mither 'n' th' lassie ah love."  Thackery smiled in return.  Mallymkun was shocked, to say the least.  So he really does love her love her.  "I can't believe I never noticed it before.  I've always felt this funny feeling when I'm around you."  Thackery had taken her in the palm of his hand and brought her closer to his face.  "Maybe you're right.  How can a mouse even date a human anyway?  Besides, he belongs with Alice."  Although, Thackery was thinking about how a mouse and a hare could date either.  But anything is plausible, nothing is impossible, yadda yadda yadda.

   Thackery kissed the top of her head and pressed Mally to his chest.  She gripped onto his fur and sighed, happy to have such a wonderful guy.  "I love you, Thack."  She whispered.  "I loue ye tae, mal."  And they sat facing the window, watching as the rain started falling.  Water collected on the window pane.  They sat snuggled up watching the world go by, not a care in the world.

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