A~Z smut hc~Main cast

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To make this easier for me I'm making all of these fem!reader.  James Harcourt is a new addition.
A~Aftercare-What do they do/like after sex?
•Alice~Alice likes to just cuddle for the next few hours. Her little heartbeat is going a hundred miles a minute so you'll slowly rub her back or massage her shoulders to relax her.

•Tarrant~ He'll still shower you in kisses. Truth is, Tarrant just can't ever keep his hands off of you. Ever. He'd probably lay there next to you and ramble on about whatever. You have to start making out with him again just to get him to shut up.

•Mirana~Because she's Mirana, she will deny to anyone, except her lover, that she had intercourse at any given time. I mean, she has to keep up her elegant and flawless appearance in court. Immediately after she goes and showers. After that, she cleans up any mess or evidence that anything happened. My hc of her is she's totally OCD so. She would be quite exhausted after all that so she'd snuggle up to you and have a quick nap comfortably in your arms.

•Iracebeth~She'd just lovingly gaze at you with hooded eyes and a goofy grin on her face. As you both lay there she'll wrap her legs around your own. Racie will be trying to catch her breath and yet she'll just break out into fits of giggles because she's just THAT much in a trance.

•Ilosovic~Oh lord, Stayne would give you like, 5 minutes tops to let you rest but then go right back at it for round two. There's like no in-between with him, he's either praising you (sort of) through panting and calling you things like "his bitch" or something or he's not even talking. Just roaming his hands all over your body and plotting his next move, what dirty shit is he gonna do to you next?

•Time~Time's a soft boy, planting a kiss or two on your forehead or nose and admiring every tiny little feature of yours. He's a hopeless romantic, you know he's going to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Although sometimes he's in such a dazed state afterward, his speech is hushed and kind of incoherent. Sometimes you're generally concerned that something in his mechanics is muddled.

•James~He likes to give you massages and draw you a hot bath afterward.  After furiously pounding into you he needs to relax your sore body.

B~Bondage-Are they into BDSM, and how far they'll go if they have a green light?
•Alice~No, Alice is a little too soft and sweet for that. Although I do suspect that somewhere deep down inside her she has some kinks like that.

•Tarrant~Um...no. I think his views on BDSM are like Alice's, it's confusing and slightly terrifying to him. Like, he doesn't understand how hurting someone is an act of love and affection. But a part of me wants to believe the madness in him is slightly kinky. SLIGHTLY. Still, I personally believe he would never partake in BDSM.

•Mirana~Hahahaha no. Absolutely not. I literally have nothing else to say on Mirana's part, just...no. Next, please.

•Iracebeth~Hmmmm...probably yeah. Iracebeth can be a kinky little bitch. But it's not something she'd do all the time. She enjoys and even prefers, regular sex over super kinky shit. Oddly enough, I see her as the sub in a BDSM situation. Willingly though, she would rather have it performed on her than be the one performing the actions.

•Ilosovic~100 fucking percent yes. Ilosovic Stayne is one kinky bastard. He'd go as far as you want him to but will stop or take it easy if asked. Stayne's heartless, but not when it comes to you.

•Time~Hmmmmm...Idk honestly. Maybe? Ik this is supposed to be a reader-imagine thingy but as a RedTime shipper, I think he'd let Iracebeth do whatever the fuck she wants to him and he'd be in motherfucking heaven. But maybe Time daddy will punish you if you waste him or try to steal the Chronosphere ;). And he'd probably let you do anything to him, he's just that smitten for you.

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