A-Z fluff prompt-Hattice

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A~Attractive. What do they find attractive about each other?
What Alice finds physically attractive about Tarrant is most likely his eyes. She constantly gets lost in those beautiful green eyes of his (and I don't blame her lol). What she finds attractive about Tarrant's personality is his ability to express himself. What Tarrant finds physically attractive about Alice is her hair. He loves to play with it just because she lets him. What he finds attractive about Alice's personality is her own sense of madness and independence.
B~Baby. Do they want a family? Why/why not?
Absolutely! Alice has always been great with kids and always wanted one of her own. Obviously, she didn't want to have a child with just anyone but when she fell in love with Tarrant she knew he was the one she wanted to have children with. Tarrant definitely wants to start a family with Alice because...it's his Alice! Besides, he doesn't want his children to feel that same abandonment that he felt. He'll always be there to protect them. I think they would be amazing parents! Always having the most fun with their children.
C~Cuddle. How do they cuddle?
Sitting down like on a couch, Tarrant is laying on his back while Alice lays on top of him. He has his arms around her back and she has hers loosely thrown around his neck. In bed, Alice is nestled into Tarrant's chest and he has his arms wrapped tightly around her. Sometimes one hand is tangled in her hair.
D~Dates. What are dates with them like?
It can vary from a one-on-one tea party to taking a walk in the Tulgey Woods. Sometimes if Tarrant's feeling real fancy, he'll decorate the back patio in fairy lights (literal fairies sitting on a wire or something) candles, and rose petals. The night is filled with dancing, laughing, kissing, and futterwacking (the dance you perv).
E~Everything. "You are my ______." (E.g. my life, my world...)
Ooo, tough one. My Alice could be one but idk if that counts. Sometimes Alice will say Hatter is her home, her family, her life. But I think the ones they use most often is my muchness and my sanity.
F~Feelings. When did they know they were falling in love?
Since Alice arrived at his tea party on the Gribling day, he had always felt something but he didn't realize what it was until they were standing in the Red Queen's dressing room when a tall Alice held Tarrant's face in her hands. He really wanted to kiss her then. For Alice though, when she was forced to leave Salazen Grum once she obtained the Vorpal sword, that's when she knew. She felt so guilty about leaving Tarrant and was worried she would never see him again. When he did come back to Marmoreal, she was so relieved. Plus the "balcony scene" really sealed the deal lmao.
G~Gentle. Are they gentle? If so, how?
Of course! They would never hurt each other ever. Every kiss, every touch is light and tender.
H~Hand/hold. How do they like to hold? How do they like to hold hands?
How they hold each other:

  How do they like to hold?  How do they like to hold hands?How they hold each other:

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