Two Is Better Than One (Tarrant Hightopp×Reader)

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Imagine deciding to stay in Underland after saving The Hatter and his family

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Imagine deciding to stay in Underland after saving The Hatter and his family. You two decided to live together...somewhat awkwardly. You both are in love with each other without knowing the other's feelings.


As you watched your best friend pass through the looking glass, you felt someone take your hand in theirs. You looked over and saw Tarrant smiling back at you. It was a sad smile, but it calmed you down. You and Hatter both would miss Alice terribly. Everyone in Underland would. But if it meant you got to stay in Underland with your friends it was worth the heartache. You wipe the tears in your eyes with your sleeve. Since you and Alice had a slight change in plans and woke up in an institution in your world, you both needed a change of clothes. You and Alice borrowed some of Hatter's clothes and threw something together. Currently, you were wearing a gray undershirt and deep blue sweater vest, and one of his kilts. (You really wanted to wear it!) You were rather cold so Tarrant lent you his favorite brown waistcoat. You also wore a pair of striped mismatch socks with dark brown work boots.

After a few moments, Hatter turned to you. "Well, we mustn't look so glum, especially now that you're living here! I wonder where you're going to stay? And perhaps I'll make you an entirely new wardrobe since you don't have your clothes with you and-" "Hatter!" You placed your hands on his shoulders. You could tell he was more than excited that you were staying. Behind you, you could hear the snickers of some of his family members. You almost forgot that the Hightopps were still in the background. "My goodness son, give the girl some breathing room!" Zanik chuckled. Tarrant blushed as he let go of your hand and backed up.

You giggled at his childlike enthusiasm. "Hatter it's fine. Anyways, I'd love for you to make me some new clothes if it's not any trouble-" "No no, not at all my dear!" He shook his head. "As for living conditions..." Just as you were about to ask, The White Queen approached with The Red Queen shyly hiding behind her sister. Tarrant, Zanik, and the other Hightopp men removed their hats and bowed while the women curtsied politely. You did a small curtsy yourself. "Ah, Y/n! I've come to ask you an important question. Now that you've decided to stay, you're welcome to live in the castle of Marmoreal with me. There's plenty of rooms and as one of Underland's champions, you deserve the very best." Mirana smiled at you.

You didn't know what to say. You wanted to ask the Hatter if you could live with him. He's your best friend and in all honesty, you had a huge crush on him. You had missed him so much when you left on the Frabjous Day. You've finally returned and got your Hatter back. You didn't want to leave his side now. But you didn't want to be rude and turn down the Queen's offer. I mean, it's not every day that a queen offers you to live with her in her palace. So you faked a smile and said, "Of course I'd love to, your majesty! Thank you for your hospitality." Mirana took your hands in hers as she smoothed out your (h/l) (h/c) hair. "My dearest champion, out of court you will address me as Mirana." You smiled. Mirana was like a mother to you. A mother that you lacked back in Overland. "Do you mind if I help carry your things?" Tarrant asked from behind you. You nodded. "Come now, everyone. I think Time would very much appreciate it if we left his castle." Mirana announced. "And never came back." You thought to yourself.

Alice In One-shot-derland (I know puns are terrible)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя