Pride and Passion (Alice/Tarrant smut)

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So this was inspired by a fic I read on by @/phoenix089. The overall plot is inspired by the fic but I'm changing a few things to make it more up to date with the second film since it was published in 2010. So I don't want to spoil anything but basically, this takes place only a year after attlg. Alice and Tarrant have been missing each other terribly, but one is going completely mad over missing the other. Can Alice somehow get back to Underland and make up for lost time? Find out in "Pride and Passion!" (Lmao sorry) Also, this is my first time ever writing smut/lemon/sin so I'm sorry if it's bad for my first try. I have no experience cuz ya girls a virgin but I think I've read enough to get the overall gist of it and poison my mind to the point of no return in the process.

Alice Kingsleigh was living the dream. Her dream, her father's dream. She was a very successful sea captain and the trading company with her mother was equally as successful. James Harcourt, Alice and Helen's business partner, had become really good friends with Alice.   Alice had recently become an aunt to her sister Margaret's newborn son. And best of all, she hadn't really seen much of Hamish since Helen tore up the contract.

But with every great thing in her life, there came some downsides. In particular, Alice had caught no sign of Underland in an entire year. It didn't necessarily have to be a beckon to come back to her home-away-from-home, but just a glimpse of McTwisp or Absolem or maybe a shimmering looking glass or two. Anything to let Alice know that they were still out there, that she wasn't as mad as people around London say she is. But alas, there came no sign. Until that summer's day.

"Hello, mother!" Alice greeted her mother with a hug as she entered their business facility. "Hello, Alice. How's the Wonder?" Alice sat down and wiped the sweat off her forehead with a sigh. "Wonderful! Everything's up to code and accounted for. I think she'll be ready to sail in a couple of days!" The woman replied. Helen smiled at the news. "Oh, by the way, this was on our doorstep this morning. It's addressed to you but it didn't say to whom it was sent by." Helen walked around the desk and handed Alice the gift. It was nothing fancy, but it's simplicity only intrigued Alice more. "Any idea who might have sent it?" Helen asked while signing some documents. "No, not in the slightest." Alice said, half paying attention. Alice undid the ribbon on the box and opened the lid.

Alice gasped at what she saw. With shaking hands, she held up a small, blue paper hat. This was it, this was the sign she had been looking for for a year now. "What is it, dear?" Helen asked when she saw her daughter's face. Alice swallowed and shook her head. "N-nothing. It's nothing." Alice said slowly, eyes still big as saucers. Helen didn't buy it, however, and grabbed the hat out of Alice's hands. "Stop! Don't ruin it!" Alice shouted. Helen raised an eyebrow at her daughter's sudden outburst. "Well, it can't possibly be nothing if you react like that." Helen said and handed the hat back to Alice. "I-I think I need to go lay down." Alice said breathlessly. She put the hat in the box and ran upstairs to her room.

Alice laid on her bed studying the hat. It was most certainly Hatter's. She recognized it from her last trip to Underland. It was the whole reason why Hatter believed his family was still alive. And he was right. She should've listened to him in the first place but everything worked out fine in the end. But why was it here? Alice just couldn't understand it. She looked inside the box again and saw something she hadn't noticed before. There was a small folded piece of paper inside. Alice unfolded it and read the note.

"Keep an eye out for me. We really need you, Alice! And don't be late.

~N. McTwisp"

Alice didn't have a good feeling about what she was needed for this time. But she was glad that she was finally going back to Underland! Alice noticed one last thing about the gift. She recognized the ribbon that was used to tie up the box. It was the same type that Chessur used to bind Alice's Bandersnatch wound back on Griblig Day. She sighed and walked over to her window. Alice looked out at the sky until she caught a glimpse of white in their backyard. "McTwisp!" Alice exclaimed. Just then, a peculiar blue monarch butterfly came to the window. "Absolem! It's you!" She could see him nod his tiny head and he flew off.

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