chapter 15

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I'm back suckas
did ya miss me?
hope everyone is doing ok during this quarantine. I'll be updating hopefully more now that I'm home from school and all that jazz, plus you'll have more incentive to stay home and read
keep outta trouble kiddos
without further ado,

Leo was standing back in the forest, there was no fight yet, but she knew the vampire girl must be showing the Volturi an illusion.
And it must have been a pretty damn good one.
She was there to protect her niece, and that was that. And by the time everything had gone back to normal, she was still sticking around.
The child meant a lot to her, and she enjoyed the moments they shared between Renesmee staying with Bella and her seeing Jacob.

Jacob talked to Leo once in a while, their interactions were friendly. He couldn't blame her for her actions. No one could.
Bella hadn't said a word to her sister in weeks. She had tried to apologise but Leo didn't want to listen. She had other concerns.
Embry had imprinted on some local, which was expected, and had clearly moved on.

no one's POV

Sam got a call late one night from a woman crying. He knew her as the sister of one of the other men on the reservation. But what he didn't know was that she had passed on the wolf gene to her now 19 year old son, who was shifting not only late, but uncontrollably. Not knowing what else to do, she contacted Sam, who left the next day to go get the boy.

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